Work, a permanent job is a mirage, Gallura and Sassari have worse data

Work, a permanent job is a mirage, Gallura and Sassari have worse data
Work, a permanent job is a mirage, Gallura and Sassari have worse data

Data on work in Gallura and Sassari.

Employment in Italy is growing as well as “permanent jobs”, but not in Sassari and Gallura. According to data from the CGIA research office, in 2023 employment set a record and a recovery from Covid with 471 thousand more employed than in 2019.

It is a historical record but it does not concern the entire Italian territory in a homogeneous way. Generally between 20
Euro Area countries, Italy brings up the rear with a “miserable” 61.5 percent of employed people, compared to a Eurozone average of 70.1 percent. Female employment also continues to risebe ten points lower than the European average. If employment has grown especially in the South, with very significant increases, not all of the South has enjoyed the same positive trend.

In fact, it is among the last places in the provincial ranking for employment growth Sassari, where it even had a decline and is second to last in Italy in terms of recovery. In the province, employment fell by -6.8 percent (-12,600 units), together with other provinces such as Southern Sardinia and other national areas such as Syracuse, Caltanisetta and Fermo, last in the ranking with -7.9 percent (-6 thousand units).

These data can be explained by the tendency towards fixed-term, specifically seasonal, employment contracts. In the province of Sassari, especially in Gallura, the “permanent” job still seems to be a mirage. Most of the workers are seasonal and this can explain the lower employment and higher unemployment figures, which places the province in penultimate place in the ranking for employment growth.

Employment rate in Sassari and Gallura.

According to data from the regional CGIL, employment on the island has gone from 54.9% to 56.1% and is ten points below the Italian average. It is above all female employment that has seen growth, even if working women are the 49.1% (slightly lower than the national average). Male employment is of 63%.

Fixed-term employment contracts are only 11.2% of the total, with more precarious women workers than men and a higher number of young people who do not have stable employment. TO Sassari and Galluraaccording to Istat data, are employed 45.1% of women against 59% some men.

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