Blood donations, Fidas Vicenza: the role of young donors

Fidas Vicenza, blood donations: the real challenge is and will always remain young people

President Chiara Peron: “We work daily to make ourselves known and to convey a clear message: blood is precious and new donors are always needed”

A fifth of blood donors in the province of Vicenza are under 30 years old. A fact that makes us reflect on the interest of young people and the generosity that they are able to concretely demonstrate, extending their arm, but on which it is undeniable that we must continue to work. This is what emerged, in a nutshell, during the Provincial Assembly of Fidas Vicenza. Assembly held this morning in the Founders’ Hall of the Confartigianato Vicenza conference centre.

“2023 ended positively – explains the provincial president of Fidas Vicenza, Chiara Peron – as we brought home 515 more donations compared to the same period of the previous year, which was affected by the difficulties resulting from the post-pandemic, but we are convinced that the difficulties have not been set aside, not completely. In fact, we find ourselves dealing with problems, such as the shortage of doctors, which has become chronic and against which we cannot act in any way. Furthermore, we must deal with the need for an essential generational change. As well as with the need for active donors to make a further effort to donate more and consistently.”

The data as of 31 March 2024 reveal substantial stability, in fact, 7429 bags of blood were collected, a figure similar to that of the same period in 2023.

Fidas Vicenza, a lively and active Association.

The various events that occurred in 2023 confirm the activity and extraordinary vitality of the Association. From “Put the gift in motion”, to promote the donation of blood on the bike. In addition to World Blood Donor Day, including the brilliant Fidas Vicenza Roll of Honor initiative, which rewards those who have made at least 100 donations. And again, the celebration of 40 years of friendship with Fidas Leccese and the election of Miss for Life – Fidas Vicenza, Gaia Gonzato. And these are just some of the most important activities carried out in 2023.

Relations with the Department of Transfusion Medicine.

The precarious situation due to the lack of transfusion doctors is chronic. During the year, due to work at the CRS in Bassano del Grappa, all transfusion activities will be transferred to Marostica. This will cause many difficulties for donors, volunteers and healthcare personnel. The great work carried out by Fidas Vicenza has averted the closure of the Noventa Vicentina and Lonigo Centers one day a week, but it is necessary to continue with the association’s call to fill the diaries.

Change the booking system for donors.

From May 7th, reservations will be made through the ASSOWEB webAPP, with access via Spid or Cie. “We cannot hide a certain apprehension in the face of this news. We had just entered into operation with the previous software – underlines President Peron – when we found ourselves having to deal with a new booking method, which requires digital skills that not all donors can necessarily have. We have addressed the problem for some time and we believe we are ready to stand, as always, alongside donors, to make every operation as simple and quick as possible.”

Visibility, an indispensable priority.

Also thanks to the activism of young people, but not only, Fidas Vicenza is always present in the area and participates in the most important events. From the provincial donor festival, at Monte Cengio, to the advertising at Ulss Berica, which guarantees undoubted visibility. And, from this perspective, the 95 could not be missedto National Alpine gathering, which will be held in Vicenza from 10 to 12 May. There will be around thirty Alpine donors who will parade with the Fidas/Ana banner and just under a hundred volunteers who will take turns at the fixed gazebo over the three days.

Training always comes first in the association’s commitments.

“More aware, more responsible”! This is the motto of FidasViLAB, the Association’s training laboratory which allowed 120 people to participate in meetings dedicated to the personal and associative growth of volunteers and association managers. “Thanks to the experience of expert teachers – explains President Peron – we emerged from these meetings with a greater awareness of ourselves and our abilities and energies. We juggled between “volunteer involvement and resource management”, and then put ourselves to the test, overcoming our shyness, in “Public Speaking”. To then measure ourselves with our ability to “Know how to manage conflicts and criticism”. Also learning to focus better on “Listening, empathy and relational skills”. As far as more practical skills are concerned, we have also been able to measure ourselves with “Copywriting for Social Media”. Therefore also enhancing “Communication through videos” and improving the use of photos as a communication tool”.

Blood donations pass through schools.

Fidas Vicenza, thanks to the promotion of blood donation in Vicenza schools, collected 125 pledges of donation, reaching 3193 high school students.

Donating blood is social.

“The work dedicated to social media is increasingly demanding and requires constant attention – concludes President Peron -. It is currently worthily guaranteed by a special Social Commission, made up of experts who exchange ideas on a daily basis for the growth of the Association. And the numbers achieved confirm the effectiveness of this work and the need to continue with tenacity. The Fidas Vicenza Facebook page, in fact, was visited by over 307 thousand users. 166 thousand Instagram users were reached. While the site ( was visited by 37 thousand users. The donation promises received thanks to the site are 1510, a figure we certainly cannot remain indifferent to.”

Vicenza, 20 April 2024

Source: Fidas Vicenza – Press Office Matteo Crestani Journalist


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