urban and social regeneration. The mayor reassures street vendors – ilBustese.it

urban and social regeneration. The mayor reassures street vendors – ilBustese.it
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A large project of urban regeneration and – no less important – “personal” regeneration. Human. Social. For weave bonds between spaces but also between people.

The “Fili Urbani” development strategy was presented this evening at Molini Marzoli. Connecting energies, uniting the city” which will transform the area of ​​Piazzale dei Bersaglieri, where the city market of Busto Arsizio takes place, near the Ferrovie Nord station.
A work from over 20 million eurospaid by the Lombardy Region for 15 million financed with European structural and investment funds.
A project that wants to be “participated as much as possible by the Busto community”: all the information on filiurbani.it.
Market operators were also present in the Hopper Room, worried about the construction site which will start in September. Mayor Emanuele Antonelli reassured them: «The market will temporarily move behind, towards via Muratori. Then it will also make use of the ground floor of the new car park» (video at the bottom).

The mayor’s presentation

«The Northern Railways area has a somewhat complex history. It was not the gap between Sant’Edoardo and the center has never been overcome, still perceived as separate realities – began Antonelli –. Thanks to the Fili Urbani project, the market parking area used twice a week will become a place to live, to grow and discuss and to find opportunities.”
It will be one more beautiful and attractive, greener square». But «in addition to the beautiful setting», the «contents» were also presented, aimed in particular at «young people, elderly people, people looking for work».
The aim is to make Busto «a more inclusive city»: «One of the first factors is adequate training to enter the job market. But inclusion is also socialization.” The mayor then outlined the image of a city «more sustainable and more attractive: top level services in a pleasant environment. Let’s start calling it Piazza dei Fili Urbani.”

The new structures

The urban planning councilor Giorgio Mariani, who followed the project in all its phases, presented the «material actions»: «A “cultural condenser” will be created, a building where young people, over 65s and people looking for of work. A mix to leave no one behindwith opportunities for dialogue between the various generations”.

A car park will also be built: «It will have a curved shape and will have 310 parking spaces». The current parking lot will be landscaped. «And Insubria will make a successful research center on aging here», Mariani recalled.

The projects

The new building will have a bar and an exhibition and coworking space on the ground floor, while the roof will be flat and will house a restaurant: «We took this decision, which was carried out not without problems with the Lombardy Region – revealed the councilor for social inclusion Paola Reguzzoni -. The building relaunches the area if it “lives” and for this we need people who frequent it and economic sustainability. Without money, intangible actions remain so.” Actions that have the aim of «re-teaching how to get involved and train new professional skills for those who find it difficult to enter or return to the job market. And also to create interactions between young and oldwith the latter being able to familiarize themselves with the digital world.”

The councilor for educational policies Daniela Cerana spoke of a «bridge between young people and opportunities in the area and beyond: personalized consultancy, professional guidance and so on. There will also be a space for doing: the kids will be able to co-design together, putting their creative and management skills to the test. And the real challenge is the active involvement of NEETs».

The projects will be implemented by the third sector bodies that participated in the co-planning: a temporary association of businesses, coordinated by the Elaborando cooperative, with regards to actions aimed at young people; the La Provvidenza Institute for actions aimed at the less young. Services aimed at people seeking employment are currently being assigned.
The activities will initially take place in the “Spazio Fili Urbani” at Molini Marzoli.

Students awarded

This evening the logo chosen to accompany the strategy was presented and the winners of the competition were awarded. It was created by Filippo Galli, Luca Campanelli, Samuele Menabo, Alessia Tremamunno, Mattia Sansò from the Olga Fiorini technical graphics and communication institute.

Honorable mentions also for the work of Anna Tommasella of the Circolo Gagarin and Margherita Banfi of the Candiani art school.

Street vendors reassured

At the end, a market vendor expressed his concerns: «We are 120 operators. We don’t know our future and we won’t fit in that new square». Antonelli reassured him: «During the works the market will move to the back, where the brewery is, and then it will be in the square and will also take advantage of the ground floor of the multi-storey car park».

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