Why is the new girlfriend the same as the ex? The psychologists speak. Photo and video

Why is the new girlfriend the same as the ex? The psychologists speak. Photo and video
Why is the new girlfriend the same as the ex? The psychologists speak. Photo and video

There are many famous people who find partners who look like lookalikes of their previous wives or partners. They certainly have very precise aesthetic standards in mind. But is it just that? Apparently not. Here’s what’s behind these choices that are so “consistent” with one’s sentimental past

“You again? Shouldn’t we have seen each other again?” Who knows if the former Roma captain Francesco Totti has ever woken up next to his new girlfriend Noemi Bocchi and, in the mists of sleep, mistook her for Ilary. And who knows if Fedez, looking into the eyes of his new flame, the model Garance Authiée, has ever caught the same cerulean look as his wife (not yet ex) Chiara Ferragni. Maybe yes: these are things that can happen to those who choose new loves in the image and likeness of the old ones – photo | video

Jannik Sinner, here’s who the new girlfriend Anna Kalinskaya is – Look

AESTHETIC IMPRINTING – Experts call it “aesthetic imprinting”: it is that mechanism that always pushes you towards the same type of people. An image of a woman (or man) in which perhaps you recognize your mother, grandmother, teacher, first girlfriend. Or simply the type of face you have seen most often in life, already since childhood. You rework it and look for it in subsequent stories.

Francesco Totti and Noemi Bocchi, love parades on the red carpet – Look

ACCORDING TO PSYCHOLOGISTS, IT’S REASSURING – Aesthetic imprinting in the world of the famous is a very recurrent mechanism. And so the very pretty model Garance Authiée, tall, thin, blonde with blue eyes, looks like a Chiara Ferragni a few years younger.
Noemi Bocchi, with her blonde hair and athletic physique, seems like Ilary Blasi’s sister. Blasi also seems to replicate at least in part a model. His Bastian Muller has a certain resemblance to the former Francesco Totti.
«It is the search for change, but in continuity, a choice that reassures, because it is as if you already know the path», explains Roberta Giommi, psychologist and psychotherapist. «It also has to do with the public image one presents of oneself. In the case of characters, it is the search for confirmation: you want to make others understand that little or nothing has changed in your life. Let’s not forget that in these environments physical appearance is important, beauty always makes you feel at ease.”

Flavia Vento confesses for the first time: “I had a flirtation with Francesco Totti” – Look

BETTER A PHOTOCOPY – Walking around with a “photocopy” of your ex is like declaring to your fans «it’s still me, the one everyone likes, don’t worry, I haven’t lost my charm». But in addition to what you show to others, your inner world can also benefit from similarity. This concept is also valid for ordinary people. «If you have been left, choosing the same type of person helps to heal an emotional wound, it is a way to attenuate the sense of nostalgia», explains Angelo Musso, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, author of the book Psychology for couples. Improve yourself for love. «Not only that: the choice gives us peace of mind, it makes us swim in safe waters. It is what Freud called repetition compulsion, the patterns that are familiar to us are replicated, an automatism that calms us down and pleases our brain which releases dopamine and silences anxiety. Safety also passes through the aesthetic choice because the memory of images is the most powerful of all. A bit like saying “I look at you, I feel like I’ve already met you, I have memories of good feelings and I want to confirm them””.

Fedez, ten girls may be enough for him: now it’s Violeta Toloba’s turn – Look

SINNER AND ACCORSI ALSO LOVE THE “ALREADY SEEN” – Tennis champion Jannik Sinner also chose to swim in safe waters by starting a relationship with Anna Kalinskaya. The Russian tennis player in fact has many similar traits to her ex Maria Braccini, the influencer she was with for four years: they are both tall, blonde, with straight hair, the same type of face. Laetitia Casta and Bianca Vitali also look alike, taking the place of the French actress in Stefano Accorsi’s heart and life. Repetition compulsion and anti-anxiety choice also for Vincent Cassel, who has lost his head for Narah Battista, a copy of his ex-wife Tina Kunakey. And what about Leonardo DiCaprio, great collector of photocopy girlfriends, from Gisele Bundchen, to Bar Refaeli and Blake Lively? This type of change can have advantages: the person next to you corresponds to your aesthetic ideal, but has a different character from those who preceded them, without the traits that perhaps caused the breakup.

Vincent Cassel, his new (baby) girlfriend Narah Baptista is the same as his ex Tina Kunakey – Look

IMAGE IS EVERYTHING – «The image is similar, but the personality can be sweeter or happier, more energetic or calm and we can therefore hope for greater harmony», observes Roberta Giommi. «You follow your instinct, looking for a reassuring image, then obviously the differences emerge. And at this point a new game opens”, explains Angelo Musso. How will it end? It depends: if you’ve really gotten over the story with your ex, that’s fine. Otherwise there is the risk of a new shipwreck. Jovanotti sang: «I will look for you in the eyes of the women I meet in the world. And within those looks I will remember us. Who knows if it was called love.” Maybe yes, but at some point you have to move on.

Enrica Belloni


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