Last dad, the kiss on girlfriend Jacqueline’s belly live at the Olimpico

Last dad, the kiss on girlfriend Jacqueline’s belly live at the Olimpico
Last dad, the kiss on girlfriend Jacqueline’s belly live at the Olimpico

The news had been in the air for a few weeks, confirmation arrived tonight: singer Ultimo becomes a father of a boy who will be born in the autumn. This was confirmed by the singer himself who, on the occasion of the third Roman date of the tour, brought his girlfriend on stage Jacqueline Luna Di Giacomo (second daughter of Heather Parisi) and kissed her baby bump in front of 60 thousand delirious fans. Ultimo then asked all the fans to light up the stadium and sing the chorus of “That thread that unites use”, the song that he dedicated to his girlfriend a couple of years ago. The video of Ultimo’s announcement, generally very reserved about his feelings, immediately went viral. For Ultimo he has an evening to remember given that, shortly before the concert, he had received a visit from his idol, Francesco Totti.

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