Paolo Fox horoscope today Sunday 16 June: all the predictions

Paolo Fox’s horoscope today, Sunday 16 June. The most famous astrologer on television gives his predictions every day for those born under the signs of water, air, earth and fire. The previews are collected every morning by Radio Lattemiele which tells fans of zodiac signs how the stars will influence the progress of their day. Whatever happens, as Paolo Fox himself advises, the predictions must be verified based on the aptitudes and specificities of each person, and should not be considered an indefectible oracle.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Surely last autumn you experienced one of the worst phases of your life. Some still carry the aftermath, but we can now say that on an astrological level those clouds are clearing. Now you certainly have clearer ideas about what you want to do in the future and you have learned from the mistakes you made in the past. For those who are still looking for their soul mate, this weekend could be a good time to meet new people.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

The opposite Moon will not allow you to start the week in the best way. There still remain some disagreements between you and your partner but also misunderstandings in your relationships with your family. Try to be a little more decisive especially if you are working on some projects to carry on. This is not the time to hold back especially if you are particularly ambitious. Don’t worry about those who try to dissuade you from carrying out your plans.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Take advantage of this good position of the Moon to experience a weekend full of fun and entertainment. There are all the conditions to find that calm and serenity that you have been missing lately. Jupiter’s passage through your sign will provide you with the right arguments to rediscover the feeling even with those people who have recently distanced themselves from you. In love you will have to try to be more enterprising, especially if you are returning from a separation and want to get back into the game.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

From Monday you will have Mercury and Venus on your side. This will mean greater successes and gratifications, but also more sincere and cordial relationships with others and greater understanding with your partner. According to the horoscope of the day, you will have to try to limit the effects of the dissonant Moon which will make family relationships a little tense. Sometimes melancholy linked to the events of the past tends to surface in you. Instead, try to focus on the present and the future, also because the past never comes back.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Leo (July 23 – August 23)

After a rather stimulating weekend, a new week full of commitments begins, especially on a professional level. This week will help you clarify your plans but also sort out your priorities. You will not be able to carry out everything with the same determination. Sometimes you have to know how to be satisfied and accept your limits. Anyone who wants to overdo it could face defeat.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

You are going through a somewhat complex phase in your life. Sometimes you feel like the whole world is conspiring against you or has targeted you to create obstacles for you. They are transitory thoughts that are dictated by the difficulty of the moment. Try to leverage the good friends you have around you or your family and don’t get discouraged. Monday and Tuesday will be interesting for planning your future or studying a project that could be profitable.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Libra (September 23 – October 22)

The Moon in your sign will bring you sincere emotions even if in the second part of June you will be called to take stock of the situation to understand which way you want to go both sentimentally and professionally. Jupiter in excellent aspect induces you to innovate or renew your life by letting in some new air also from the point of view of acquaintances. There will be household expenses to deal with so avoid wasting your money on useless things.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

With the conclusion of the planetary oppositions it will be easier to acquire new certainties and new awareness. On the other hand, we know that difficulties can break us down or strengthen us. You will certainly emerge stronger and more mature from this period which is certainly controversial and full of pitfalls. Now you also have clearer ideas about what you want to achieve in the future. Those who are following a course of study could pass exams with satisfactory results.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Several born under this sign have experienced a friend’s betrayal that left them deeply hurt. According to Paolo Fox, you would like to move forward because there are memories that bind you, but you know that forgiving could become a dangerous own goal. If you can think of forgiving where good faith is evident, you cannot do so in all the others. Moving on and forgetting the wrong immediately hurts in any case. Better not to delude ourselves too much, sometimes we think that certain people will always be with us, but in the end we realize that they are not.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The Moon against you could make this Sunday a little complicated or very tiring. Maybe you are sleeping badly also because so many thoughts are piling up in your mind, preventing you from relaxing and feeling good about yourself. By Tuesday, however, you could receive some nice answers or you could win an important challenge for your future. This is why you will have to try not to be pessimistic or discouraged. In love it will be better to try not to rock the waters.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Aquarius (January 20 – February 19)

With the Moon favorable and Jupiter in excellent aspect, you will certainly have your work cut out for you in organizing trips, repatriations or planning something interesting for your future. Mars in opposition could bring some small ailments that will put you in great difficulty. These are temporary setbacks that will be resolved in a few days. In love, you will be the one in control of the situation.

Paolo Fox Horoscope June 16, 2024: Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Those blocks that held you back in the first part of June are about to collapse, leaving room for your dreams and ambitions. There will no longer be any reason to be apprehensive or anxious about your fate. According to the horoscope of the day, the days of the 17th, 18th and 19th will be the most favorable for a definitive clarification with a person who has created some problems for you recently.

source: Italian Meteo Center

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