“Fedez is vomiting”, his situation is worrying: he is now out of control and Chiara’s sisters are also involved

Fedez – Fortementein.com

Fedez’s situation is worrying, a video arrives in which he speaks openly about what is happening to him and it could end badly.

There is nothing to do: Fedez and Chiara Ferragni are the characters of the moment and for better or for worse they continue to be talked about non-stop. After the accusations of fraud against Ferragni, the separation and the rapper’s turbulent love life, things are now getting really bad for the Milanese artist. Released a little while ago a video in which Fedez “vomits” everything and the fans are extremely worried about him.

We know very well the precarious situation of Federico Lucia in terms of both mental and physical health: man has never made a secret of having problems from various points of view and he always spoke about it openly. For this reason, the stressful period you are going through could have an impact negatively on his person and his health and this only fuels further anxiety in the people around him.

On the other hand, the situation with his ex-wife is very tense and problematic: the two were spotted in Versilia in the same period but, according to some rumours, they didn’t actually meet. In short, the hatred between the former golden couple of the web continues and after the release of a new video which portrays a very “altered” Fedez, the worst is expected.

The video released is clear: the rapper can’t keep anything inside anymore and is about to explode. How will Chiara Ferragni and above all her family who has often defended and supported her react? More twists await us. But let’s see what happened.

The video circulating on the web

Fedez never stops making people talk about him. First of all, in this stormy period at the center of the gossip magazines there are certainly his acquaintances with various girls, almost all young models. And here, in this regard, Fedez had something to complain about, especially to the press with an attached dig at his ex-wife’s sister. In the video recently published on the web it is possible to see the rapper while driving his car complaining about how he is described by the newspapers, as essentially a “slime guy” especially due to the fact that he has relationships with women who are younger than him.

The reply is then “seasoned” with a poisonous comment against Valentina Ferragni who we remember as being engaged to a boy from 2000. In fact, according to Fedez, people seem amused and more lenient with Ferragni Junior than with him, despite the two experiencing the same situation. Valentina is never actually mentioned, it is clear that his comments are referring precisely to the Ferragnis’ youngest sister.


The reaction of the web

The reaction of the web was not long in coming and it goes without saying that Fedez’s words triggered a wave of comments and different opinions. On the Instagram portal of gossip expert journalist Giuseppe Porro where Fedez’s clip is filmed, users are, as always, divided between those who criticize the rapper’s childish behavior and those who, however, agree with his thoughts.

In the meantime, however, they all agree on one thing: after the separation from Chiara, the man has no intention of being a do-gooder and keeping everything inside. As one user points out “Fedez is vomiting out everything he has kept inside for years while being with Chiara...” And the situation seems to be exactly this: after his marriage, the rebellious and provocative nature of the rapper is revealing itself again, indicating, this time however, among his victims and his targets was what had once been his family.

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