“You are a shameless mother,” his response

“You are a shameless mother,” his response
“You are a shameless mother,” his response

“You are a shameless mother, aren’t you ashamed with a little son?”, is one of the nasty comments received by Ida Platano on Instagram. The former tronista of Men and Women decided to respond to the hater, explaining that she will soon take action for the insults directed at her.

Ida Platano in the sights of hater. The former tronista of Men and women she was attacked on social media for hers being a mother. Nasty comments to which he decided to respond with a video on Instagram, explaining that will take action soon. Her adventure on Maria De Filippi’s dating show recently ended, from which she left without having found love. “It went differently than I would have liked, but I thank everyone for the support”, he wrote on social media shortly after the end of the program.

Ida Platano attacked on social media for being a mother

“Six a shameless mother, aren’t you ashamed with a little son?”, is one of the comments that Ida Platano received in private messages on Instagram. The former tronista is the mother of Samuele, son born from a previous relationship, who will turn 13 next December. “Bad, nauseating, revolting, disgusting, disgusting”, was the reaction to the words received on social media, which she chose to show among her stories to all those who follow her.

Ida Platano’s response to negative comments

Shortly after, Ida Platano shared a short video, explaining that she will soon take action against those who direct insults of that kind to her, specifying that her role as a mother is unassailable:

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You know that these comments don’t affect me. These people definitely have a very sad life, so they vent to everyone, not just me. What I mean is that, as far as my role as a mother and my son is concerned, there is none there for anyone. I will take action as usual, for the rest, when I read them I even laugh. I have only shown you a part, but this person makes a point of telling me things like this from morning to night.

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