Fabio Fazio, Rai3 in a ratings crisis: “Black season” – DiLei

Fabio Fazio, Rai3 in a ratings crisis: “Black season” – DiLei
Fabio Fazio, Rai3 in a ratings crisis: “Black season” – DiLei

Fabio Fazio he returns to talk about Rai but this time to underline how thelast television season was particularly difficult in terms of ratings. He did it via his profile Instagramas he is used to doing, commenting on the results of the first year that did not see his broadcast What’s the weather like, passed to NOVE together with him and Luciana Littizzetto. The Ligurian presenter has always underlined that he is still on the side of state TV, for which he worked for 39 years, and that he still wants the good of the Viale Mazzini broadcasters despite his painful farewell.

The words of Fabio Fazio for Rai

“Black season”, this is Fabio Fazio’s comment on the sidelines of the article The sun 24 hours which comments on the audience results obtained by the third network after the loss of three very important faces. In addition to him, in fact, they abandoned the Bianca Berlinguer ship – which passed to Mediaset – Massimo Gramellini And Lucia Annunziatawho resigned after realizing he no longer had the space he wanted to communicate with the public.

The experiment of Serena Bortone’s move to Rai3 also failed, after three successful seasons on Rai1, while the exit of Massimo Bernardini could lead to a further decline in the curve. His replacement has already been designated and is Mia Ceranalready at the helm of Those who football before its final closure.

“In prime time (the prime time, also for advertising investments), emptied of important strengths, Rai3 loses 19.8% of its audience between one season and another and records the worst drop in audience figures of all the networks (-277 thousand spectators)”, we read in the article which gives an account of the numbers of the season which did not obtain the desired results.

Comment on the Scurati case

Despite having been away from Rai for a year, Fabio Fazio has continued to deal with events concerning state television and in particular with the management of the Antonio Scurati case, expected with a monologue on 25 April in What will be by Serena Bortone and then left at home. “It is surprising that in 2024 we still do not agree on founding values ​​that should be established: anti-fascism, April 25th and therefore freedom, including that of allowing those who think differently to speak the same,” he said, highlighting how the censorship it cannot be a value of public service or of anyone.

At the end of April it also hosted Franco Di Mare, the Rai journalist suffering from mesothelioma who had asked the company for his service status without receiving a response. What’s the weather like he had collected his testimony 20 days after his death, which occurred on May 17 and two days after his marriage to his partner Giulia Berdini.

We are now awaiting the arrival of Amadeus, which in any case was not broadcast on Rai3, which Fazio has already welcomed with a post on social media in which he also eloquently wrote: “We are waiting for you”. On the third network, however, he maintained an excellent average Reports Of Siegfried Ranucci which has partly stopped the haemorrhaging of ratings caused by the loss of the major points of reference of the third network and which shows no signs of stopping. The new Rai structure is in fact struggling to get going, despite the many efforts of the top management, and is already organizing the next Sanremo Festival led by Carlo Conti.

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