Your Business, Cecilia wins and Amadeus makes social media cry: why

Your Business, Cecilia wins and Amadeus makes social media cry: why
Your Business, Cecilia wins and Amadeus makes social media cry: why

During the penultimate episode of Your businessconducted by Amadeus on Rai1 Friday 31 Mayto challenge the Doctor is Cecilia (consultant for food companies), competitor from Tuscany (from Pisa but was born in Prato) and tacky for 21 episodes. The woman plays with the package number 15 and is accompanied to the studio by husband Emanuelemarried last July: “It’s been a long journey, but we did it“, comments the competitor. “At home I’m in charge but she decides“, clarifies Emanuele, with Amadeus reacting in a joking manner: “You’re lucky, think that in my house I neither command nor decide“.

Affari Tuoi, episode of May 31st: Cecilia and Emanuele’s match

There Cecilia and Emanuele’s match it starts off in the worst way, because i 75 thousand, 50 thousand and 300 thousand euros they are lost after the first 6 shots. “The real problem is that I’m too lucky in love“, comments Cecilia. Then the 30 thousand euros and the Doctor offers them 21 thousand euros, as the number of episodes passed in the program. Before rejecting the offer, the competitor tells how the love story with Emanuele was born: “I am a consultant for companies in the food sector, I deal with food safety. Emanuele does the same job as me. At the time I was hired to steal his job. The first meeting didn’t go very well, because he arrived with this ‘arrogant pigtail’. Then I realized that he wasn’t so bad, because when we went to lunch together it turned out that we are both passionate about poetry and in particular about Catullus. I said to myself: ‘he loves him, he can’t be bad’“.

Finally some luck in the game too: they eliminate 3 blue packages in a row. “Inspired by Catullus, the Doctor said: ‘change“, and the competitors they accept by replacing the 15 with the 20, opened immediately afterwards: it contains 10 thousand euros, while in the subsequent packages there are 20 thousand euros and 10 euros. The Doctor’s offer rises to 25 thousand euros: “It’s an opportunity that came to me from heaven and I want to live it“, Cecilia says before refusing the money. Then she decides to also decline the subsequent proposals of 30 thousand, 35 thousand and 40 thousand euros. The competitor, after this last offer, says: “This is a big check, but I’ll take a shot, come on“. The 75 euros also leave the scene the 100 euros, 15 thousand, 100 thousand and 200 thousand euros remain in play.

Then Cecilia asks the Doctor for 150 thousand euros to close the deal, but the latter does not accept and offers 50 thousand euros: “That’s really a lot of money. It’s true that there are 100 thousand and 200 thousand and it’s true that we are brave, but I want to show respect to this money. Because if an important package goes away, I won’t see them again“, says Cecilia. “In the end it’s more money“, adds the husband, but the wife reminds him: “It is also true that the 200 thousand euros are still there“. The competitor decides to take another shot and the 15 thousand euros are gone: “Good!“, shouts Amadeus. The Doctor offers the 50 thousand again and Cecilia, more and more courageous, exclaims: “I want to give away an ending!“.

Immediately afterwards though they lose the 200 thousand euros, remaining with the 100 and 100 thousand eurosit’s the last one offer is 35 thousand euros, exactly like in the match on May 30th. “I don’t want to go back empty-handed, so I’ll accept this check“, thus ends the game Cecilia, who finds 100 euros in package number 20, hers, earning the applause of the studio and the compliments of the host, who reminds us that today, the final episode will be broadcast on Saturday 1 June: “I’ll see you tomorrow for the last episode of Affari Tuoi. Do not miss“.

Comments on social media

Cecilia’s match ended very well, but i social comments are all focused on the latest episode of Your business conducted by Amadeus before his move to the Nine: “How can I present this game without him? I’m officially in phase Of denial“, or: “I don’t want to think that tomorrow will be the last. Love you are irreplaceable, remember that“. It’s still: “Hello Doctor, for the last episode I won’t accept any competitor other than Frosolone“, “How sad to hear that tomorrow will be the last episode of Amadeus“, “I’m not ready, love“, “I have a problem: I saw Amadeus’ shining eyes at the end! She took me very badly!“, “I’m already preparing the tissues“. It didn’t end here: “No one will say good luck anymore!! We will no longer have ‘zero zero zero’ or ‘safe money’“, “He is my father”, “What will we do from June 2nd without this man?”, “But tomorrow evening for the last episode of Affari Tuoi will we see a challenge between Lupo and Thanat to finally know who is supreme? Ama, we deserve it as a grand finale“.

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