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«I’ve been blocked since this morning, people treated like animals»

«I’ve been blocked since this morning, people treated like animals»
«I’ve been blocked since this morning, people treated like animals»

“What a shame, traveling has become more and more complicated.” These are the first words that Elisabetta Gregoraci writes in her Instagram stories in a long message to vent about an inconvenience that occurred during her return home after a short holiday in Sardinia. The showgirl was supposed to return home on the afternoon of July 1st but her plans were literally overturned by an extreme delay caused by the EasyJet airline.

Elisabetta Gregoraci’s outburst

Several minutes of delay began to accumulate, resulting in inconvenience for passengers. Outraged by what happened, the showgirl took her smartphone and wrote a long message to vent. “What a shame,” Elisabetta Gregoraci wrote in her Instagram stories. “Traveling is increasingly complicated. I do it often for work or pleasure, they make the situation increasingly difficult for me. I’ve been at the airport since 10 this morning. I should have been home hours ago and instead I’m still here. But the serious thing is not only the accumulated delay but the people treated like animals, without announcements, without warning.”

The showgirl concluded in despair: “Last but not least, they made us board and then blocked us because they had to make an unexpected crew change. So we are still here and we can’t even sit down or get some water. You should be ashamed.”


Read the full article at
The Gazzettino

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