Stop at Otto e Mezzo on La7: who replaces Lilli Gruber

Stop at Otto e Mezzo on La7: who replaces Lilli Gruber
Stop at Otto e Mezzo on La7: who replaces Lilli Gruber

Lilli Gruber goes on vacation. The last episode of. aired last Friday Half past eight which, after another season characterized by excellent ratings, will take a summer break and then return to the La7 schedule in the next television season. At the end of a long ride, in fact, starting today Monday 1st July 2024 Lilli Gruber will leave room for In Ondaled by Marianna Aprile e Luca Telese. Let’s find out all the details.

La7, Half past eight leave room for In Onda

“Monday 1st July from 8.30pm on La7 returns In Onda hosted by Marianna Aprile and Luca Telese, the political analysis program that in the coming months will keep the news spotlight on seven days a week, thanks also to the two long episodes on Tuesday and Thursday in which more space will be dedicated to the debate”. With this official press release the team Of La7 announced the new schedule which will keep its audience company during the summer season. Half past eight e Lilli Gruber will therefore make room for In Ondahosted by Marianna April e Luke Telese, which had already started with the weekend edition, airing on Saturdays and Sundays. Starting today 1 July 2024, however, an uninterrupted ride will begin, seven days out of seven. In the first date in onda this evening at 20:30 on La7 we will also and above all talk about the difficult situation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “At the center of the first episode are the implications of the French elections and the difficulties of Giorgia Meloni for the investigation of Fanpage and for the tensions with the European Commission.” He announces the press release, which also reveals the first guests: “Guests of the evening will be the historian Luciano Canfora, the deputy director of The print Annalisa Cuzzocrea and the journalist Francesco Giubilei”.

Lilli Gruber’s season

Last Friday another season of Half past eightthe historic La7 talk show on air for more than twenty years, since 2008 under the guidance of Lilli Gruber. The Trentino journalist closed another dream edition in terms of ratings, as witnessed by the 9.4% share with more than one and a half million viewers of the last episode. Half past eight has represented a real scarecrow for the competitionproving unbreakable and embarrassing above all Mediaset, first with Nicholas Porro e Tonight Italy then with Bianca Berlinguer e Before tomorrow, sunk in comparison and results. The seasonal peak, however, was paradoxically reached “thanks” to an internal controversy within La7, when the tensions between Enrico Mentana e Lilli Gruber (who accused his colleague of “incontinence”, not allowing him to really start the program at 8.30pm) enthralled the audience with barbs and piqued back and forth.

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