vaccinations throughout the summer without an appointment

vaccinations throughout the summer without an appointment
vaccinations throughout the summer without an appointment

Until August 31st, you can access all vaccination clinics of the Hygiene and Public Health services without an appointment to get vaccinated against measles. The prevention campaign of the Romagna local health authority continues, inviting young adults who have never been vaccinated or who have not received at least two doses of the vaccine essential to protect themselves from this highly contagious acute viral disease, which can potentially be very dangerous.

The objective of the campaign is to counter the spread of the virus among non-immunized adults, in light of the growing circulation of the virus also in Romagna. “In our area, there are particularly many adults between the ages of 30 and 50 who are potentially susceptible because they have not been reached by vaccination campaigns in childhood or by natural infection and protecting themselves against this disease is particularly important at this time precisely to avoid getting sick”, he informs the ASL Romagna. To further encourage vaccination compliance, the Local Health Authority has invited those born in 1993, 1994 and 1995 who are not vaccinated via Electronic Health Record and SMS and other age cohorts will also be invited in the coming months. Access without reservation is however permitted to all unprotected people.

Measles has no age

“Measles is not a childhood disease – the ASL reminds us -. Unvaccinated people can get sick at any age. Measles is a highly contagious acute viral disease, which begins with fever, conjunctivitis and respiratory symptoms and is followed 3-7 days later by the appearance of bright red spots on the skin. The virus is transmitted by air through secretions from the nose, mouth and throat. It has an incubation period ranging from 7 to 18 days (on average 10-14 days). Complications such as otitis media, pneumonia and encephalitis are possible and not rare. Very young children, immunosuppressed people and pregnant women are at greater risk of complications”. “The most effective way to prevent measles is vaccination – it is underlined -: it is free and also protects against mumps and rubella. The vaccine in fact contains the live attenuated viruses of measles, mumps and rubella. It consists of two doses of vaccine inoculated subcutaneously or intramuscularly, at least 4 weeks apart, and provides high and long-lasting protection against the three diseases”.

“Protect your health and that of those around you”

The most vulnerable people (children under one year of age, pregnant women, immunosuppressed) often cannot be vaccinated. It is always possible to get vaccinated in the Public Hygiene services clinics by appointment through the Cup and Cuptel counters (800002255), but to encourage vaccination until August 31, 2024 it will also be possible to access without an appointment in all the vaccination clinics of the Public Hygiene and Health Unit.

To find out the locations and opening hours of the clinics, you can visit the website

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