What to Eat Before Going to the Sea: Healthy Tips

Going to the beach is an enjoyable summer activity that requires energy and stamina. Choosing the right foods before a day at the beach is essential to ensure you have enough energy, stay hydrated and feel light and comfortable. In this article, we will explore what to eat before going to the beach to maximize well-being and enjoyment.

Basic Principles

1. Hydration

Hydration is crucial, especially on a hot day at the beach. Drinking plenty of water before leaving is essential to prevent dehydration.

2. Essential Nutrients

  • Complex Carbohydrates: They provide long-term energy.
  • Lean Proteins: They help maintain satiety and provide energy.
  • Healthy Fats: They contribute to a feeling of satiety and provide energy.
  • Fibres: They add volume and aid in digestion.

3. Foods that are Easy to Digest

Avoid heavy, difficult-to-digest foods that can cause discomfort throughout the day.

Recommended foods

1. Fresh fruit


  • Hydration: Fruit is rich in water and helps maintain hydration.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: They provide essential nutrients.


  • Watermelon: Rich in water, refreshing and sweet.
  • Apples: They contain fiber and vitamin C.
  • Berries: Blueberries, raspberries and strawberries are rich in antioxidants and fiber.

2. Yogurt


  • Proteins and Probiotics: Provides protein and supports intestinal health.
  • Versatility: It can be combined with fruit, honey or granola.


  • Greek Yogurt: More protein and creamy.
  • Natural Yogurt: Without added sugars, to be combined with fresh or dried fruit.

3. Wholemeal bread with proteins


  • Complex Carbohydrates and Proteins: They provide long-lasting energy and satiety.


  • Avocado Toast: Add avocado slices and a pinch of salt and pepper.
  • Turkey Sandwich: Wholemeal bread with slices of lean turkey, lettuce and tomato.

4. Smoothie


  • Hydration and Nutrients: Easy to digest and rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Customization: You can add ingredients as you like.


  • Green Smoothie: Spinach, banana, pineapple and coconut water.
  • Berry Smoothie: Berries, Greek yogurt and almond milk.

5. Nuts and Seeds


  • Healthy Fats and Proteins: They fill you up and provide energy.
  • Minerals: Rich in magnesium, iron and zinc.


  • Almonds: Rich in proteins and fibre.
  • Chia seeds: Add them to yogurt or smoothies.

6. Eggs


  • Complete Protein: They help maintain satiety.
  • Versatility: Easy to prepare in various ways.


  • Hard-boiled eggs: Easy to carry and consume.
  • Omelettes: Prepared with fresh vegetables.

Foods to Avoid

1. Heavy and Fatty Foods

  • Fries: Difficult to digest and can cause a feeling of heaviness.
  • Fatty Meats: They take longer to digest.

2. Foods Rich in Sugar

  • Sweets and Sugary Drinks: They can cause spikes in blood sugar followed by dips in energy.

3. Alcohol

  • Dehydration: Alcohol can contribute to dehydration, making heat and tiredness worse.

4. Foods Rich in Salt

  • Savory Snacks: They can cause water retention and thirst.

Additional Tips

1. Timing of Meals

  • Light Breakfast: If you leave early, choose a light and easily digestible breakfast.
  • Snacks: Bring healthy snacks with you to maintain energy levels throughout the day.

2. Planning

  • Prepare in advance: Plan and prepare meals and snacks in advance to avoid poor food choices.
  • Bring water with you: Make sure you have enough water to stay hydrated throughout the day.

3. Adaptation to Personal Needs

  • Listen to Your Body: Everyone has different dietary needs; listen to your body and adapt your diet accordingly.
  • Allergies and Intolerances: Consider any food allergies or intolerances when choosing foods.


Choosing what to eat before going to the beach is important to ensure a pleasant and active day. Light, nutritious and hydrating foods are the best choice to maintain energy and well-being. Plan your meals and snacks, avoid heavy and sugary foods, and always maintain adequate hydration to make the most of your day at the beach.


How long before going to the beach should I eat?

It is advisable to eat at least 1-2 hours before going to the beach to give the body time to digest.

Can I drink coffee before going to the beach?

Yes, but in moderation. Coffee can be diuretic and contribute to dehydration, so be sure to drink plenty of water as well.

What are the best snacks to bring to the beach?

Fresh fruit, nuts, whole grain bars, yogurt and vegetable sticks are great snacks to take to the beach.

Should I completely avoid fatty foods?

You don’t need to avoid them completely, but it’s best to limit foods high in saturated fats and opt for healthy fats like those found in avocados, nuts, and seeds.

Is it important to drink water even if I’m not thirsty?

Yes, it is important to maintain constant hydration throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

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