After the diet I regained all the kg I lost, then I discovered I was making this mistake: it should never be done

After the diet I regained all the kg I lost, then I discovered I was making this mistake: it should never be done
After the diet I regained all the kg I lost, then I discovered I was making this mistake: it should never be done

It happens to many people all the time that they regain the weight they lost after following a diet: let’s see together what mistake we absolutely need to avoid

After the diet I regained all the kg I lost, then I discovered I was making this mistake: it should never be done (

There health first and this should be the main reason why you follow a diet and get back into shape, always combining constant physical activity. THE dietary regimes they help lose those extra pounds which in many cases only weigh down the figure, but in others they can represent the precursor to more serious problems that should be avoided.

The diets they are numerous and varied, based on certain principles that determine weight loss. Trivially we try to reduce calories, the portions and complexity of foods to obtain satisfying results. The glycemic index is also of fundamental importance for eating healthily and keeping insulin levels and consequently your body weight under control.


Diet (

None diet it is easy to follow and involves a good dose of commitment and perseverance, as well as excellent motivation and great determination. Generally it is a real effort to be able to change your bad eating habits to embark on the right path able to get back into shape.

It is important to be accompanied by expert doctors and avoid DIY to avoid health risks. Lose weight quickly is never a good idea, try instead achieve the result hoped for with consistency and in the long term gives greater guarantees of success and the maintenance over time.

The mistake not to make after the diet

Follow a diet in fact it does not strictly refer to the period of restrictions during which we lose weight, but must be understood more in the long term since the objective is to change eating habits unhealthy and achieve a lifestyle that allows us to maintain results over time obtained without wasting efforts.

Therefore acquire one new vision as compared to what to eat and to what extent is it crucial to Don’t go back to square one in a short time. Yes, because if it is very difficult and tiring to lose extra pounds, it is very easy and immediate to put them back in their place. Maximum attention to the post-diet period which is perhaps the most delicate period to live in to make the leap in quality required if you want to maintain the results obtained over time.

The healthy eating habits they must become ours routine, without ever losing sight of the core of the problem and without ever letting go as soon as you reach your ideal weight. Learning that our body doesn’t actually need everything we would like to eat, that often it is a nervous hunger and not a real appetite. Remaining constant in monitoring your weight is the secret to avoiding unpleasant surprises and intervening promptly at the first positive fluctuation and immediately remedying it with absolute serenity.

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