The best anti-fatigue supplements to take in spring

Spring has come. For a few weeks now the days have started to get longer, the sky seems less grey, the first blooms have already appeared on the plants and in the wardrobe the wool sweaters have given way to lighter jackets, colored t-shirts and fluttering dresses . Wonderful, but not for everyone. If spring is generally considered a time of “change and rebirth”, some people experience it with difficulty. At least the first few days. This is how tiredness, anxiety, drowsiness, loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating and mood swings combine to ruin our days. After all, to manage any change in the best way, our body needs time. And this also applies to climate change.

As Humanitas experts explain, the change of season affects circadian rhythms, the sleep-wake cycle, causing a sort of seasonal “jet lag”. Additionally, switching to longer days can affect the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. Due to the change of time and the increase in hours of sunshine, there may be changes in biorhythms that hinder quality rest, so it is good to pay attention to them and take action if necessary. Also not to be underestimated are the allergic reactions caused by changes in temperature which, in turn, can lead to tiredness and irritability. Last but not least, the stress accumulated during the winter, less physical activity and a rich diet can contribute to making this step particularly challenging. Valuable help to prevent spring tiredness and apathy once again comes from nutrition. Humanitas experts recommend a balanced and nutrient-rich diet. Bringing seasonal fruit and vegetables to the table every day means ensuring our body has those vitamins, mineral salts and antioxidants useful for strengthening the immune system and counteracting inflammation, which can contribute to the symptoms. In addition to taking care of your diet, it is a good idea to practice physical activity consistently and spend as much time as possible outdoors to fill up on vitamin D, which is essential for psychological and physical well-being. If taking care of your lifestyle is the first step to counteract the fatigue and mood swings typical of spring, nature can also make its contribution, providing us with a series of useful allies in this sense. The experts at Natursalus, a start-up of the IMO Spa group, have selected the best vegetables and medicinal plants to rely on so as not to succumb to the change of season.

He Shou Wu

Poligonum Multiflorum, known in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) as He Shou Wu, boasts several properties that have given rise to legends of survival and longevity acquired in extreme conditions; modern science has also confirmed the antioxidant, anti-aging, hepatoprotective, tonic and energetic properties of this plant.


A powerful natural antioxidant capable of destroying free radicals, increases the production of antioxidant molecules (thanks to the action of the Nfr2 gene), induces the activity of phase 2 detoxifying enzymes thanks to which cells eliminate toxic compounds and protect against oxidative damage. It has important anti-inflammatory properties. In nature it is found in various plant species, such as in plants from the cruciferous family such as broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts.


It has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. It helps prevent oxidative stress and exerts antibacterial and antiviral activity. Gingerols and shogaols help fight respiratory disorders by exerting a bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory action and promoting relaxation of the airway muscles.

Sea buckthorn

Provides high values ​​of vitamin C and carotenoids; it is an antioxidant par excellence, it strengthens the immune system.


It has the highest ascorbic acid content in the world. It exerts an antimicrobial action, while vitamin C strengthens the immune system by modulating innate and adaptive responses. Ascorbic acid supports the epithelial barrier function against pathogens and helps ward off respiratory tract diseases.

Moringa oleifera

A well-known superfood, capable of providing fundamental micro and macro nutrients, it also has a notable antioxidant potential thanks to its content of polyphenols, vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids; It has a purifying action on the body.


Berry known in traditional Chinese medicine for the characteristic of containing the 5 flavors, it is highly appreciated for its purifying, antioxidant, regenerating and energetic properties.

However, when it is not possible to get everything our body needs through foodyou can use supplements targeted (always under prior medical advice). Below you will find our selection, available online.


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