How to request a land registry report, who can do it and where — idealista/news

How to request a land registry report, who can do it and where — idealista/news
How to request a land registry report, who can do it and where — idealista/news

The land registry searchin addition to allowing the consultation of land registry deeds and documents, allows the acquisition of identification and income data of real estate (land and buildings); the personal data of the individuals or legal entities who own the real estate; the graphic data of the land (land registry map) and of the urban real estate units (plans); the monographs of the Fiducial Points and vertices of the land registry network; the planimetric document (subordinate list and graphic representation); the land registry update deeds. But How to request a land registry certificate? Let’s see who can do it and where.

A Tax Todaythe electronic directory of the Revenue Agency, was asked: “How can I trace the cadastral map of a family property of which I am the owner together with my three brothers?”.

Land registry survey, who can request it

In providing the response, the Tax Office recalled that i owner taxpayerseven in part, of the right of ownership or other real rights of enjoyment they can ask to consult the map.

As explained by the Revenue Agency, the cadastral information, with the exception of the consultation of the plans reserved exclusively for those entitled to the property or their delegates, is public, this means that Access is allowed to allpaying the relevant special land registry taxes and in compliance with current legislation.

The ownerseven in part, of property rights or other real rights of enjoyment they can instead ask for the free and tax-exempt consultationfor the properties of which they are owners in the land register (personal consultation).

In Trento and Bolzano the cadastral services are managed by the respective autonomous provinces.

Land registry search, where to request it

The cadastral map of a property can be requested:

  • at the Provincial Offices – Territory of the Revenue Agency (except for the offices of Trento and Bolzano, in which the service is managed by the respective autonomous Provinces);
  • at a decentralised land registry office (the list of which is available in the “Land Registry and Cartography” section, within the website pages dedicated to the Provincial Offices – Territory);
  • using, in the reserved area of ​​the Revenue Agency website, the online service “Consultation of surveys, plans and mortgage inspections of your properties”, or through the “Personal consultation” service, which can be viewed in the “Buildings and land” category of the same site by selecting the “Consultation land registry and mortgage data” page.

For computerized data, the certificate is issued to the applicant in paper format, if requested at the counters, or as a PDF file, if requested electronically. If the data is only available in paper format, it is necessary to contact the competent Provincial – Territory Office.

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