the use of weapons is a very rare occurrence

the use of weapons is a very rare occurrence
the use of weapons is a very rare occurrence

The official information, at the moment, is brief. They speak of four arrests, two shots fired, no injuries and little else. Between videos and testimonies collected by us on site while the operation was still underway and in the hours that followed, it is however possible with reasonable certainty to provide some more details. Starting from the fact that the robbers were caught red-handed by the two officers on bicycles, a man and a woman, by chance. We will probably only know in court why the four decided to act in broad daylight in one of the busiest areas of the city, among workers and tourists, but the idea backfired. As reported to us by several people, when the police arrived the thieves, probably armed, were grabbing with both hands the jewelry displayed in the window. As soon as they realized what was happening, the two officers immediately left their bikes and took out their weapons, ordering the robbers to surrender. It is in this first phase of the robbery that one of them, holding a bag with the stolen goods in his hand, managed to escape – he was then stopped shortly after in the cathedral area – and that the first robbery was fired in the shop. After that – we are in the second phase, captured on several videos – the two officers pointed their guns towards the inside of the jewelry store and one of them ordered the robbers to get down on the ground, first in Italian and then in English, which suggests that the person who attempted the robbery was not an Italian speaker. Despite the guns being pointed, a man attempted to escape, but was hindered by the officer outside the shop. A fight ensued in which the policeman fought hand-to-hand with the gun in his hand, which he also used as a blunt instrument. It is during this fight that, according to initial reconstructions, the second shot was fired, which fortunately did not hit either the two fighting men or the numerous people who were in the area at the time. Meanwhile, the colleague continued to hold the two robbers who remained in the shop at gunpoint and other police officers arrived on the scene.

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