“Travel by plane.” The KP.3 variant of Covid nostalgics

“Covid, KP.3 variant runs fast: what we know, symptoms”, this is the title of an article by Adnkronos and it does not date back at all to the darkest period of the health terror, but rather it was published yesterday, that is, over 4 and a half years after the arrival of Covid-19 in Italy.

Now, before we get into the details of this yet another blast of viral fear in the press, we must agree that the infinite theme of the pandemic seems to want to replicate what has been happening here for a few decades with fascism dead and buried. In both cases, the opportunity is not missed to rekindle a dangerous return of “flame” that exists only in the interested imagination of those who intend to speculate on it.

So, after militant anti-fascism fighting against an invisible enemy, it is increasingly consolidated a vast front of pseudo scholars and journalists with the nostalgia of health restrictions intent on countering the spread of a pathogen that has done far less damage than the health restrictions themselves.

In a nutshell, whoever wrote the piece warns us that “the Covid KP.3 variant runs fast. In the United States – continues the journalist – it is a special observation because, according to the latest projections from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), appears to be the most widespread version of Sars-CoV-2. But the trained eye of experts who track the mutants of the ex-pandemic virus has already focused on one of its ‘descendants’, KP.3.1.1. This sublineage may have ‘wings’, in a sense. Definitely travel by plane. But also from Italy? Perhaps, some experts suggest.”

But that’s not all, as we continue reading, we discover that there is a colossal planetary database, called Gisaid. Well, from his findings it would emerge that the subvariant KP.3.1.1, found in many American airports, would be the most numerous among Spanish passengers, as Andrea Urquhart, defined in the article as “one of the many variant hunters active globally”, claims on X. But our variant hunters are also on alert. So much so that the latter, in a quick search carried out for Adnkronos Salute, state that at the moment there are no sequences of the aforementioned variant deposited at Gisaid in Italy.

Yet, according to the local variant hunter, Federico Gueli, in a US airport on May 9th a sequence was taken from a passenger coming from the Bel Paese. However, this great-grandson of the vampire hunters, who instead of using garlic leaves and crucifixes, uses sophisticated electronic microscopes, explains to us that a single positivity is “not much to be able to already hypothesize about circulation in our country. Being travellers, it could also be a person who made a double trip, Spain and then Italy, therefore took the last flight from our country and thus was registered”.

But it’s not enough, second Fabio Filippinidoctoral student at the Retrovirus Center of the University of Pisa, who works with Mauro Pistello, director of the Virology Unit of the Pisan university hospital, vice-president of the Italian Society of Microbiology, “Globally there are 209 sequences” of KP.3.1.1.

On the other hand, as some important virologists, including the late Nobel, had explained to us Luc Montagniercoronaviruses have an enormous ability to mutate at great speed, if we then add the colossal error of a mass vaccination carried out in the middle of a pandemic, which further tends to force the development of other variants, we would only end with a classic question : but what are we talking about?

What is particularly striking is this impressive array of doctors, healthcare workers and laboratory scientists who, instead of directing their commitment and the resources at their disposal into much more critical sectors of care, continue to play around with tracing and analysis of one of the many viruses with which we are destined to live from here to eternity. Stuff you wouldn’t believe.

Claudio Romiti, 16 June 2024

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