How to clean marble at home? A beautiful but delicate material — idealista/news

How to clean marble at home? A beautiful but delicate material — idealista/news
How to clean marble at home? A beautiful but delicate material — idealista/news

The marble it is a precious material that gives elegance and refinement to interior environments, thanks to its unique characteristics. However, to maintain its beauty over time, it is essential to clean it and take care of it correctly. By treating marble with care, it is possible to maintain its beauty and splendor over time, preserving the charm of its innate characteristics. Here are some tips on how to clean marble at home.

Cleaning marble at home: here are the 5 steps to follow

To keep the marble clean and in good condition over time, it is a good idea to clean it regularly with a neutral detergent and avoid the use of harsh or abrasive chemicals. All you have to do is follow these steps:

  • Remove dust: Before starting cleaning, remove visible dust and dirt from the marble surface using a dry cloth or soft bristle brush. It is also possible to do this with the help of a vacuum cleaner as long as it is suitable for delicate cleaning of a material such as marble.
  • Prepare the cleaning solution: fill a bucket with hot water and add a neutral or marble-specific detergent. Avoid using acidic or abrasive cleaners, which can damage the marble.
  • Cleaning: Dip a soft cloth or sponge in the cleaning solution and wring it out well to remove excess liquid. Gently clean the marble surface in circular motions, working a small area at a time.
  • Rinse: After cleaning all marble surfaces, rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove any detergent residue. To avoid streaks, use distilled water to clean marble instead of tap water.
  • Dry: very delicately, dry the surface of the marble with a soft towel or microfibre cloth to avoid the formation of streaks. Also be sure to wipe up any water or liquid spills immediately to prevent stains from forming.

Polish the marble even if it appears dull

A characteristic that makes marble fascinating is precisely its shine. When this begins to wane it is good to intervene to bring it back to its best state. If the marble appears opaqueit is possible to polish it after thorough cleaning, wiping with a damp cloth with hydrogen peroxide or an abrasive paste with sodium bicarbonate and water.

Also the Marseille soap can be used to polish marble, but it is necessary avoid rubbing too much vigorously so as not to damage the surface. For more complex interventions, such as the removal of persistent stains on marble or intensive polishing, it is advisable to turn to professionals experienced in the treatment of this material.

Watch out for stains on the marble in the kitchen

Since marble is an extremely fragile stone, when having it in a space like the kitchen it is essential to pay particular attention to certain foods that can stain it and, when cleaning it, use soft, non-abrasive cloths and sponges to avoid the formation of unwanted scratches.

Among foods and substances that can cause damage to the marble there are oil, coffee, tea, colored drinks, fruit juices, curry, cumin, nicotine and acidic substances such as lemon, vinegar, cola, wine and copper . Caring for marble therefore requires considerable attention and it is therefore essential to be careful about some substances and products, but also how you clean it.

In the event that the marble top comes into contact with one of the substances mentioned above, immediately dry the surface with a soft cloth, then proceed with a thorough cleaning.

The use of DIY products and remedies

When it comes to cleaning marble, it is essential to pay attention to DIY products, such as baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and Marseille soap. Although these remedies are often used, an error in the preparation of the compound or in the application it could damage the coating. Therefore, it is advisable to proceed with caution and, if possible, opt for specific products for marble.

Choose neutral pH products, which are therefore delicate and non-acidic, so as not to damage the marble. These products tend to be diluted in warm water.

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