Tiberio Timperi, who is his ex-wife Orsola: son and depression

Today, Sunday 19 May, Tiberio Timperi will be a guest of Francesca Fialdini to With us… freewheelingwhere the journalist and presenter will talk about his personal life and work, but what do we already know about his sentimental and emotional life between his relationship withex-wife Orsola Adele Gazzanigathe legal battle for custody of son Daniel and the depression that had affected him during the Covid-19 pandemic? Let’s find out together.

Tiberio Timperi, who is his ex-wife Orsola Adele Gazzaniga

Orsola Adele Gazzaniga she is the ex-wife of Tiberio Timperi: the two got married in 2005 after 3 years of engagement and had a son, Daniele. The couple separated a few months later, but the causes of the breakup are still unknown. However, we know that that moment was very painful for everyone, especially for the conductor who also had to deal with a legal battle that was about custody of the childa newborn at the time, obtained by the mother and of which the person concerned spoke during an interview in 2023 given to The messenger: “From a certain moment on, my life took another direction: it was very, very difficult, but that’s okay“. We’re talking about 15 years of suffering.

Earlier this year, in January 2024, Tiberio Timperi revealed a New TV that he is currently experiencing a new relationship: “There is a woman. I live my emotional life without advertising it or flaunting it and I keep it well separated from my public life. There is a woman who doesn’t want visibility, so she’s fine with that. Also because I want to be judged for the work I do and nothing else. I also have few friends, they can be counted on the fingers of one hand, but those few are true and sincere“.

The Depression

Always at the microphones of The messengerin an interview dating back to 2023, Tiberio Timperi first told some details about his love life and then about having lived a state of deep depression twice in recent years: “Every now and then I meet, but always with little faith in mankind. It’s hard for me. I think I experienced two great passions that I confused with love. My analyst always tells me: he cultivates good friends and does not remain alone. I experienced two very bad depressions, which came during Covid. They were devastating. I overcame them even with drugs“.

TO Your factsFurthermore, speaking of a case of femicide, he revealed that he had suffered a lot because of a woman: “I would also like to say one thing to men if I may, assuming they are men: when there is a ‘no’ in life, there are many other possibilities for falling in love. By killing a person you also die inside because living with a burden like this I believe is not living. I was also left and stared at the ceiling for a year. In the end there are many loves in life and many lives that a person can live“.

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