Harry’s Reaction When He Saw Sick Kate Again: The Backstory

Harry’s Reaction When He Saw Sick Kate Again: The Backstory
Harry’s Reaction When He Saw Sick Kate Again: The Backstory

Prince Harry saw Kate Middleton again at the moment of her illness: here is the background on the story.

Since Kate announced her illness, she has had no contact with Harry and Meghan, even though many subjects expected gestures of solidarity. Apparently, however, things would have changed: here’s what happened.

Harry’s reaction when he saw Kate sick again – Photo Ansa-arabonormannaunesco.it

Kate Middleton appeared in public for the first time after the cancer announcementlast June 15th for the Trooping the Colour, the event that is celebrated every year for the King’s birthday. Kate appeared after a long time, making everyone happy, even if it immediately became clear that the treatments she is undergoing are not at all light. The Princess, who always tried to smile, she appeared to have lost a lot of weight and the images of her with her children moved the world.

Kate Middleton’s illness, Prince Harry’s reaction when he saw her: what happened

The whole world admired Kate Middleton at the event, but Harry was also able to see his sister-in-law again after a long time. The prince would have reacted in a shocking way. He did not in fact hide that he would have liked to be present at the event, considered important for the Crown and also to personally congratulate and support his sister-in-law on such an important day. Seeing his entire family on the balcony, without him and his children, would not have been easy for him.

The background on the meeting – Photo Ansa. arabinormanaunesco.it

Sources close to the Sussexes, as Il Messaggero reports, speak of one mixed reaction between emotion and admiration in seeing his sister-in-law in public. The two once had a good relationship and the Duke had a regret in not being able to be present at the event. Especially the one that what would have upset him is not being able to congratulate Middleton for his strength and courage.

A particularly emotional moment for everyone that did not leave even Prince Harry indifferent. The scene was painful for him, at the end it would have left him with the awareness of no longer being part of that family. Could this event bring Prince Harry closer to the Royal Family? Unfortunately, after the harsh accusations against the Crown it seems that the relationship with the father, but especially with the brother, is terrible. Prince William, according to the English tabloids, does not want to know anything about his brother after the accusations of racism made against his wife. Too many things were revealed, many negative, which overshadowed all the members of the Royal Family.

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