Prince William turns 42: the beautiful photo with his children George, Charlotte and Louis

The one shared by Kensington Palace to celebrate the prince’s 42nd birthday is set to become one of the most beautiful royal photos of recent years William of England, born June 21st. The shot portrays the heir to the throne on the beach, while he jumps hand in hand with his three children, George, 11 next July, Charlotte, 9, and Louis, 6.

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«Happy birthday dad, we all love you so much», reads the caption accompanying the shot, signed Cx: the initial is a clear reference to his wife Catherine, the x stands for “kisses”. The photo was taken on the same days as the one released last weekend on the occasion of Father’s Day, which portrayed the prince and his children locked in an embrace.

George, Charlotte, Louis, but also William and Charles: best wishes from the royal family for Father’s Day

The heir to the throne poses with his three children in the shot published by Kensington Palace to wish them well. Shortly before, it was the prince who wished his father Carlo a happy birthday, with a shot taken in May 1984. The king, however, remembered his father Philip, who died in 2021, with a black and white video, full of tenderness

However, the shot made known on the birthday of the heir to the throne will certainly cause more discussion and probably even turn up someone’s nose because itseems to defy the rules of gravity. In fact, the most attentive eyes do not miss the fact that the jumping is not very natural, but now it is very simple to take similar photos, even with a smartphone: a classic jelfieas the jumping selfie is called in jargon (from selfie, in fact, and jump), even if in this specific case it was Kate Middleton who took it.

Best wishes to William also came from King Charles III, who shared a beautiful black and white photo of his son as a child, taken at Kensington Palace on 1 February 1983. «Happy Birthday to the Prince of Wales»the message that accompanies it.

Charles III with William as a child ©The Royal Family/Instagram

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