«Mom put herself in my shoes when I battled bulimia. A gesture from her made me see the light.”

«Mom put herself in my shoes when I battled bulimia. A gesture from her made me see the light.”
«Mom put herself in my shoes when I battled bulimia. A gesture from her made me see the light.”

«We should stop calling it a disorder and use the word disease more: the disorder makes you think of a nuisance, the disease sticks to you and doesn’t let go. And this is an illness that has to do with the soul and we want to work with the soul, we want to keep it toned.” Amber Angiolini he talks like this about Dcai Eating disordersin front of a group of girls and boys, accompanied by their parents, who are fighting against a silent monster.

Angiolini, who suffered from 15 years bulimia nervosa, dried tears and hugged mothers and fathers who are worried about the health of their children. All this during a meeting held in his workshops organized with Animenta, a non-profit association that raises people’s awareness of issues related to DCA. «We encourage kids to tell what they feel, to free their inner monsters – explains the actress to Corriere della Sera – we go to hospitals to talk and create connections. The doctors will take care of the rest.”

Bring out the pain

Angiolini sitting in the center of a circle, next to her a group of around 15 boys and girls from the DCA center in Gussago, in Lombardy. She encourages them to take fabrics, markers and paper to give shape to what they feel inside. «For many years I was a serious bulimic – she says – I carried the illness with me for a long time, then I left it. But if I look inside, deep down I find it. Only now I know how to react.” She then continues, taking a pen and a sheet of paper, making the same movements as the teenagers who took part in the creative workshop: «Give a shape to the monsters you feel inside, to the fears. Then, if you like, write a thought.”

Angiolini and his battle

The actress talks about her mother’s support during all the years in which she suffered from bulimia nervosa: «She put herself in my shoes. One day I found a yellow post-it in the bathroom, where I went to vomit. A strange and unexpected presence, which I was forced to read. She said that she would still love me no matter what I decided to do, that it wouldn’t change anything. A little light in me came on.”


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