Prince Harry would be looking for a house in London: «The American honeymoon is over»

It is not known where he stayed during his last stays in London (certainly not in a royal residence) and now it seems that the Prince Harry is looking for a permanent home in the city, and for several reasons.

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According to royal expert Tom Quinn, author of several volumes on the House of Windsor, the prince would like a “permanent” residence in London, to give friends who can’t stand Meghan Markle the opportunity to visit him during his trips to the United Kingdom. That the former actress was not liked by a good part of Harry’s circle is nothing new, but that’s not all. The Duke of Sussex would miss “certain aspects of his old life”, Quinn told al Mirror Sunday. «Inevitably, the honeymoon period where everything [negli Stati Uniti] was new and exciting is coming to an end, and Harry looks back at the past without seeing its flaws.”

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The British press continues to fictionalize the reasons for the missed meeting between father and son at the beginning of May and relaunches the controversy over security, which has dragged on since 2020. Harry allegedly refused to stay in a royal residence because the British police would not have protected him

Harry would miss the Army, as well as his college friends, who never went to visit him in California because they wouldn’t have a great connection with Meghan Markle, Tom Quinn underlined. “Harry is determined to find him a permanent home in the UK, which is partly why he is continuing his legal action to get British taxpayers to pay for his safety,” the insider continued. . There safety issue for the prince it remains a priority. Since 2020, the year of Megxit, he and his family no longer enjoy the support of Scotland Yard, which is why – at least officially – Harry no longer frequents Great Britain and has no longer brought his children to London after the Platinum Jubilee of Elizabeth II, in June 2022. Harry has engaged in a legal battle to have a public escort: after an initial defeat in court he has assured that he will appeal, but his is clearly a unreasonable demand: why should British taxpayers pay for the security of someone who doesn’t actively work for the royal family?

However, the question of housing remains open. Harry and Meghan have no longer had an official residence in London since 2023, when King Charles III “evicted” them from Frogmore Cottage, the residence that Elizabeth II had given to the couple for their wedding. An estrangement that began at the beginning of the year, shortly after the publication of Spare, Harry’s memoir full of indiscretions and revelations about the royal family, which the court has not yet digested. The Dukes of Sussex didn’t seem too saddened at the time. Their life, moreover, today is in California, and Harry has also decided to elect the United States as his main residence. Every now and then, however, the past comes back to make itself felt, amid nostalgia and (who knows) perhaps some regrets.

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