«But is she a singer now? What a complaint”

«But is she a singer now? What a complaint”
«But is she a singer now? What a complaint”

Accustomed to his daily recaps via Instagram, fans of Belen Rodriguez they were immediately alarmed when they noticed his prolonged absence from social media. The Argentine showgirl has been silent for at least five days and the last Instagram post she published on her profile is a video relating to the launch of her new song which is entitled El dia que me quieras and which has been available on all platforms.

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Belen, social silence

A challenge (that of singing) that could certainly open up new professional horizons but which unfortunately, at the moment finds only silence. The rumors of a new delicate moment for the presenter are becoming more and more insistent, thanks (probably) to the criticism received for Belen’s new song. Although the song talks about dreams, black eyes and laughter, in reality it would not have achieved the desired success, at least according to user comments. «But is she a singer now? That she complains”,” denied for singing, a male voice”,”I’m sorry but the spotlights are off. Find a normal job,” some haters write. Obviously there are also those who appreciated the presenter’s music and continue to support her desire to get involved. «What ugly comments, you have a beautiful voice. Forget the criticism.”

In short, one thing is certain: her social disappearance is worrying her followers, who even under her latest posts are wondering how she is and why she has remained silent. For now, no response from the interested party or her staff. There is only concern on the part of fans for Belen and they hope that she is not going through a dark period like the one she faced with gritted teeth in recent months.

The Depression

It is important to remember that after her farewell to Mediaset and what were the betrayals of Stefano De Martino, Belen explained to Domenica in that she had gone through a dark period that made her collapse. «Depression is an ugly beast and I felt betrayed, it didn’t end because of a betrayal even if there was a betrayal. I’ve talked to everyone he’s been with, a dozen. I kept everything inside and didn’t talk to him, I went into depression. I reached the point of weighing 49 kilos, I didn’t want to see the light anymore, I was in bed and didn’t want to go out, I looked at myself and said to myself ‘you’re dying’. He couldn’t help me and be a husband because he didn’t love me. I was in the clinic for 20 days, I lost a lot of kilos. I left him with a letter.”


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