Al Bano is not about to die, the singer clarifies the news that has come out about his health

Is Al Bano about to die? The singer from Cellino San Marco clarifies everything and explains what is happening: how he really is.

The news circulating about Al Bano’s health is not good at all and so the singer wanted to clarify how he really is and what happened to him. His words put an end to this situation once and for all: here’s what he declared.

Al Bano is not about to die – Photo

AND’ recently ended up at the center of media attention and not for pleasant reasons. Al Bano has in fact released some statements in which he had to tell the truth about his state of health. After the news broke, the Apulian artist could only tell the whole truth: here’s what he revealed.

Al Bano and the truth about his health: after the news comes the statement

The singer from Cellino San Marco published a video on Instagram in which he had to explain the reason for the rumors circulating about him. According to some rumors, in fact, Al Bano would find himself in one rather poor state of healtheven close to death, but here comes the clarifications and the truth about his situation. Thank God I’m fine and I can assure you of it. Thank God there is a lot of work and I have to do it in a big way because I like it…”he ruled on his social page.

The singer clarifies the news that has come out about his health – Photo Mediaset Infinity –

Al Bano recently turned 81, but from what he himself declared, his health conditions are not at all delicate as some have said. The singer did not hide his regret for the fake news that is going around and which he clearly finds in very poor taste. “This disgusting news speaks for itself”, he said with disappointment.

The artist, recently on TV as a juror and singer at I Canto Familywas also contacted by Adnkronos. He told of a phone call from Sophia Loren because there was even news that he was dead. On tour together with his ex-wife Romina Power, the singer then attacked those who spread this false news: >“The idiots who spread this fake news should be ashamed…”, he said without ifs or buts. Wondering the reason for this news, she then thought that there was something to be gained by spreading it, but that you should never mess with the health and lives of others.

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