“As a teenager I experienced confusion about my body” Francesca Fialdini and her relationship with her physique

Francesca Fialdini talks about herself – Spetteguless.it

Francesca Fialdini spoke about herself in a long interview about her relationship with her body and how difficult adolescence was for her.

Fialdini and the problems he had with his body – Spetteguless.it

Francesca Fialdini, presenter of the program Da noi… Freewheeling, soon transformed into a woman who deals with very important issues that are often forgotten. In fact, at the center of many of her programs, there is always the physical and psychological health. But what did she reveal this time?

Francesca Fialdini talks about the relationship she has with her body

During an interview, Francesca Fialdini spoke at length, revealing that the stories she prefers are those in which there is not necessarily a happy ending. In fact, she particularly loves these crooked stories also because the protagonist does not have the possibility of following a linear path but must carry forward a in-depth work.

It often happens that within Francesca Fialdini’s programs a particular topic is addressed, namely i eating disorders. In fact, she herself states that when she went around the schools she realized that the attention of children on this topic is very high.

In fact, several of them confessed to her suffer from an eating disorder or to have gone through it in a particularly difficult period. All this leads the presenter to realize that these kids need be heard and who, just like other adults, are ashamed to ask for help.

The only thing to find a solution is knowledge. In fact, only when we talk about it a lot can we manage to accept yourself and to avoid extreme situations such as an anorexic body. In fact, during the interview Francesca Fialdini reveals that, over the years, she has been able to learn many things delving into the aspect of words inherent to some disorders.

The relationship between Francesca Fialdini and her body – Spetteguless.it

An example of all this was told by Fialdini herself, revealing “I experienced confusion about my body as a teenager, when it literally exploded. Until the second year of high school I was almost a child physically, then suddenly I became a woman. Out of nowhere I got a quarter of my breast and I didn’t know what to do with it, it was a foreign body. I changed, my shoes always hurt, in the end I started wearing my mother’s which had no seams. That period was terrible, you didn’t know how to dress, who you were, you looked at yourself in the mirror and said “please, good morning, who are you”.

The presenter reveals that it was very difficult to recognize herself and continue to go to school despite feeling the judging gaze of her classmates. And so she found herself faced with a body that was no longer the same to the point of pushing the presenter to look for looser clothes in her father’s wardrobe so as to hide all curves that had dawned on her.

In fact, at the time she wasn’t wearing anything feminine as she wasn’t able to handle that femininity that suddenly arrived. Unlike the other girls in her class, Fialdini reveals that not knowing how to put on makeup and that the first time she used make-up was at 24, when she made her debut in the world of TV.


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