Stock Market: Workers’ Strike Sends Everything Havoc

Stock Market: Workers’ Strike Sends Everything Havoc
Stock Market: Workers’ Strike Sends Everything Havoc

According to some trade unions, the strike carried out by the workers of the Borsa Italiana Group in recent days has been a great success

The Italian financial world faced an unprecedented event: the strike of workers at the Borsa Italiana Group. A trade union action that saw widespread participation and highlighted the centrality of human capital in market dynamics.

Stock exchange workers group -Ansa-

The initiative, jointly promoted by Fabi First/Cisl and Fisac/Cgil, involved the Milan and Rome offices, involving not only Borsa Italiana but also Monte Titoli, Cassa Compensazione e Garanzia and MTS. The workers’ response was strong and clear: empty offices, switched off terminals and unused telephones demonstrated the importance of their daily presence. In particular, technological services recorded significant peaks in participation.

Stock market: human value cannot be replaced

The unions took the opportunity to underline that, despite the advanced technologies available to the company, nothing can replace human value. “It cannot be listed on any price list,” union representatives declared, highlighting the lesson that the company should have learned from this experience.

Stock market strike -Ansa-

At the heart of the protest are crucial issues such as adequate wages, sustainable working hours, employment security, balanced corporate governance and fair labor relations. Strengthened by the support received during the strike, the unions are calling for a concrete commitment from the company to resolve these issues in a constructive manner.

Susy Esposito, secretary general of Fisac ​​Cgil, expressed the urgent need to address these problems through organizational diversification of work and improvement of labor relations. She highlighted how the strike aimed to bring out the deep discomfort within the Borsa Italiana Group – a crucial entity for the Italian economy – inviting all the actors involved to take note of the situation.

The general secretary also touched on sensitive issues such as the progressive loss of influence within Euronext and the violation of national contractual agreements. The defense of employment remains an absolute priority for the unions who intend to continue their mobilization until the definitive resolution of the issues raised.

The strike of workers at the Italian Stock Exchange Group represents a significant moment in the recent history of Italian labor struggles. Highlighting the irreplaceable importance of employees in the national and European financial and economic sector, this event could mark a turning point in corporate policies regarding worker welfare and employment practices in the sector.

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