Flight staff, 5000 open positions: the salary is 2500 euros throughout Italy | Apply with one click

Plane – Fonte_depositphotos – jobsnews.it

There are 5000 open positions for a salary of 2500 euros. You can join the flight crew candidates with one click.

Excellent job opportunities for all those who are looking for a job. This time we leave the mainland to join the flight staff of one of the most well-known companies in the world when it comes to international flights.

By now you should be used to the large number of job positions that are opening up for everyone in recent months. Possibilities that are given thanks to a major reorganization within companies.

If until recently the job market was characterized by the almost total impossibility of finding a good job, now things seem to have become simpler. However, it is necessary to keep an eye, week after week, on the adverts that are appearing for all those who are interested.

As regards the possibility of joining the company flight staff, it’s time to submit your application. By the end of 2024, those deemed suitable will be regularly hired. Then find out if you meet the required requirements and how to apply for your dream job.

The flight company is looking for numerous employees

To announce what will be one of the largest hiring plans in the 2024 is the Emirates, a Middle Eastern airline based in Dubai. There are currently already more than 100 thousand employees under contract with Emirates and many more will be hired in the coming months. In fact, the giant has declared that it is looking for well 5 thousand flight attendants who will work all over the world.

All this is possible thanks to the large number of customers who have placed their trust in them over the years, allowing the company to become one of the most influential in the world.

Emirates – source_depositphotos – jobsnews.it

All the details you need to know

In Italy there are 2 open days for recruitment, one will take place in Milan on June 24th and the second in Bari 2 days later. Before taking part in the selection, it is advisable to check that you meet all the required requirements. First of all, excellent knowledge of the English language, at least one year of experience, absence of visible tattoos and ability to work in a team. Please remember that there is a sort of dress code for selection, women must have their hair tied back, wear make-up and have office attire and high-heeled shoes. Men, on the other hand, must have neat hair, be completely shaved and wear business attire.

In addition to your CV in English, on selection day it is advisable to bring a copy of a document and your diploma. To attend the open days you do not need any reservations.

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