Food supplements, be careful what you put in your cart: a risky allergen found in this brand, recalls start

Food supplements recalled from the market. (Depositphotos)

A well-known brand of food supplements has issued a recall for several batches of products already distributed on the market due to the presence of allergens.

Especially with thearrival of heatthe number of people taking food supplements to give their body extra energy to face the day is increasing.

Supplements, in fact, are products that are taken to supplement the daily diet and provide nutrients that may be lacking or inadequate in normal nutrition. These may contain a variety of ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, enzymes and other substances.

The food supplements they can offer various benefits if used correctly and with awareness. However, it is It is always advisable to speak to a doctor or dietician before starting any new supplement regimen, to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your specific needs.

They can be found on the market today supplements of any kind, to be taken in many forms, including tablets, capsules, powders, drinks and bars. You should always read the labels and make sure that the products do not contain ingredients to which you may be allergic or intolerant. Companies are required to clearly show the presence of any allergens on the label: in the event of an error, a recall from the market is orderedjust as happened with this powder supplement.

The recall of supplements

As reported by, on June 12th, the product was voluntarily recalled from the market Ensure Advance Vegetable almond flavour. The provision clearly indicates: 5 lots affected by the recallidentifiable by the numbers: 11195476, 1210475, 1210476, 1212907. The manufacturer specifies that no other products from the Ensure or Ensure Plus line are included in this recall.

Ensure Advance Vegetale almond flavor is marketed in jars from 400 and 850 grams. And here is the reason for the recall.

The Ensure Advance integrator recalled.

The reason for the recall of powdered supplements

According to what is read in the provision, the basis of the recall would be the possibility that the product contains traces of milk proteins not declared on the label. The recommendation for all intolerant people is not to consume the product and to return it to the point of sale where it was purchased to receive instructions on how to obtain a refund.

The company was keen to specify that “Ensuring the quality of our products e The safety of our consumers is our top priority and responsibility to take action when one of our products does not meet our quality standards. We regret any inconvenience caused by this action and appreciate your attention to the above“. A toll-free number has also been made available to customers, 800-025-538to call for further information.

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