730/2024, the deadline for canceling the tax return has been postponed

Cancel the 730/2024 it is possible until 24 June 2024. 4 more days have been granted for those who need to cancel the declaration already sent. The cancellation ensures that you are in the position of not having submitted the declaration with the need, therefore, to send another one after 24/48 hours (before that the system does not allow it) without this having consequences on the timing of the reimbursement. The 730 can only be canceled once by June 24, 2024. What should you do if you realize you have forgotten some data or have entered incorrect data after this deadline?

With cancellation it is as if the declaration had never been submitted and, consequently, a new one must be submitted. This is an operation that the taxpayer can carry out independently, from the Revenue Agency portal. It should be remembered, however, that this is a service that is only active until today and from tomorrow onwards another path will have to be taken to correct errors and omissions.

Cancellation by June 24th

Certainly with the cancellation of 730/2024 there will be fewer problems in the event of omissions or errors in completing the declaration sent. Why by canceling the sending by June 24th the declaration will be completely canceled transmitted and it is as if it had never been sent to the Revenue Agency.

Obviously, to avoid failing to declare, it is necessary to send another form 730/2024 by 30 September 2024. Up to this point, both for cancellation and for resubmission, the taxpayer can operate independently without the need to go to a Caf. If you notice errors, however, after June 20th, the intervention of a qualified professional or a Tax Assistance Center becomes mandatory.

The date of June 20th, which this year was postponed to the 24th, is in fact one of the first dates to remember when sending the pre-compiled form 730. How do I proceed with the cancellation of the declaration?

To cancel the 730 already sent you must access the own reserved area within the portal dedicated to the pre-compiled declaration. You have to look for the voice “Requires cancellation 730”by choosing which it is possible to definitively delete the transmitted form and then proceed to compile a new tax return from scratch.

To proceed with a new submission, in any case, it is necessary to wait from 24 to 48 hours from the cancellation of the previous declaration.

730 with errors, what to do after June 24th?

If you notice any errors or omissions after June 24thobligatorily you will need to contact tax professionals. By October 25, 2024In fact, it is possible to present a supplementary form 730 as long as the changes made to the declaration already sent give rise to the taxpayer’s right to a greater refund or to the payment of a lower tax.

If, however, the additions that must be made to the 730 sent involve a greater debt or a greater tax, you will have to proceed by sending an Income form corrective by 15 October 2024.

After 25 October the only solution to correct omissions and errors remains the late declaration (within 90 days of the final deadline) or the supplementary one.

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