OFFICIAL: we will pay a new tax at the supermarket

OFFICIAL: we will pay a new tax at the supermarket
OFFICIAL: we will pay a new tax at the supermarket

They also make you pay tax to eat. As if the price increase wasn’t enough, they are now taxing us without any mercy.

In recent months there has been nothing but talk about inflation and the increase in food costs. In fact, it is enough to go shopping at the supermarket to realize how much the increase has really affected all products.

The pasta came to cost iaround the euro for every half kgoil is impossible to find unless 10 euros per litre, without considering the increase in fruit and vegetables. In short, increases that push all Italian citizens to seek greater savings, avoid purchasing products that they don’t really need and decide to shop at discount stores, giving up the big brands.

A situation that has put a large part of the population in great difficulty and it seems that the troubles are far from over. In the coming months of 2024 there will be new problems for all consumers, because there will be a new tax on food which will lead to avoid the consumption of most foodsthe.

But there will be one who will be more affected than all the others. Taxation will hit quite severely.

Now the problem is no longer inflation

Now it seems that inflation is kept under tight control, so it should no longer be an issue. But who keeps taxation at bay? The increase in costs that producers have to bear to place the product on the market has irreparable repercussions on the consumer.

There is a product that would reflect all this much more than all the others. We refer chocolate which has come to cost as much, almost as much as gold. A product that no longer seems to be intended for a small elite of people.

Chocolate – Fonte_corporate –

But why does the price of cocoa increase?

The pressure besieging prices mainly concerns those resulting from global agriculture. So it’s inevitable that also cocoa beans fall into this group of products. The raw material in question is reaching very high price levels.

But as if this were not enough, there is also one shortage of cocoa for years to come. Some people think that we will have to learn to do without this tasty product.

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