Giorgia Meloni slams the farewell to petrol and diesel: “Ideological madness”

Giorgia Meloni slams the farewell to petrol and diesel: “Ideological madness”
Giorgia Meloni slams the farewell to petrol and diesel: “Ideological madness”

Ideology is ok, environmental sensitivity is ok. Everything, however, has a limit and according to the current Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, with the ban on petrol and diesel cars this limit has been exceeded. It is well known that the Government has more than a few hesitations in this regard. However, the most categorical statements so far have almost always been released by the deputy, Matteo Salvini. A question of roles, as the leader of the League presides over the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, and perhaps also of personalities.

For a more just and equitable direction

In the midst of the electoral campaign, Meloni analyzes the European Commission’s decision to stop internal combustion cars. Interviewed by Open, the highest representative of the Government comes to us starting from an extremely current topic: the protectionism campaign implemented by the United States, which blocks the invasion of Chinese electric cars. Whether Joe Biden and Donald Trump will sit in the White House in the next term, the Dragon Republic will be hindered. Indeed, the tycoon has peremptorily stated that he wants to stop the sale of electric cars in the USA.

“The energy question – Meloni noted – is also crucial for giving a fairer and more equitable direction to the ecological transitionwhich for us must go hand in hand with the social sustainability and economic sustainability of our businesses. There’s no point in tying yourself hand and foot to electric power alone without first having ensured adequate access to rare earths and critical raw materials which are a fundamental part of the components necessary for our electrical transition. Today the EU seems to have realized this, at least in words. The problem is that, now that we are trying to close the stable, the oxen have probably already escaped some time ago”.

Ideological madness to be corrected

The EU Commission has established a veto on endothermic vehicles from 2035 onwards, with an update meeting set for 2026. The body directed by Ursula von der Leyen could loosen its grip. In the opinion of the Fratelli d’Italia leaders, this would be the case, given the circumstances. The 2024 ecobonuses which sold out in just 9 hours on electric ones invite optimism, but in relation to traditional systems the market share remains a niche. “One of the priorities of tomorrow’s Europe will be bring back rationality and pragmatism in the ecological and energy transition, revisiting the more ideological norms of the “Green Deal”, ensuring technological neutrality and decreasing strategic dependencies. You see, we are conservatives, and conservatives are nature’s prime defenders.

But conservatives defend nature with man inside, and do not consider man an enemy to be fought – adds the President of the Council of Ministers -. Instead, in recent years, the exact opposite has been done. Man was considered an enemy and the green perspective was persecuted even at the cost of sacrificing entire production and industrial chains, such as the automotive one. No one denies that electric vehicles can be part of the solution for decarbonisation, but it made no sense to self-impose a ban on the production of cars, diesel and petrol starting from 2035. It was ideological madnesswhich must absolutely be corrected”.

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