Car tax, if you don’t want to pay it anymore, just do this

Car tax, if you don’t want to pay it anymore, just do this
Car tax, if you don’t want to pay it anymore, just do this

This way you will never have to pay car tax again: what a liberation

The car tax is a regional tax that must be paid by all citizens who, according to the Public Automotive Registry, they own a car. It must be paid annually and is completely independent of the use made of the vehicle: even if it is kept in the garage, this tax must be paid.

The amount varies depending on several factors. The first is the power of the vehicle expressed in horsepower or kW, while the second is the environmental impact of the vehicle itself. Furthermore, each region of Italy has specific reference parameters for which it may happen that the same vehicle corresponds to a different amount, depending on the region in which its legitimate owner resides.

To pay it you can go to a post office, the ACI, a car registration agency, Lottomatica tobacconists and, in some regions, you can also pay it online for example on apps like Satispay or on home banking apps . Today, however, we will reveal to you what is a completely legal way to be exempt from it: here’s what you have to do.

How not to pay car tax

Some categories of cars have significant advantages when it comes to taxes and duties to be paid. An example is that of electric vehicles which, in Italy, are exempt from paying the stamp duty for the first five years: after this period of time, each Region can decide whether or not to collect this amount. At the end of the exemption period, however, the amount is reduced to a quarter of the full rate, so what you have to pay is still small.

In many regions the exemption lasts five years: these are Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria , Veneto and the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano. However, there are some exceptions.

Car tax, how not to pay it: the law is made, the deception is made ( / depositphotos)

The exceptions

A completely separate region is that of Val d’Aosta where electric vehicles are exempt from paying the road tax a period of eight years, after which they return to paying it to a reduced extent. The situation in Campania is similar where, in the case of Euro 0-4 car scrapping, an exemption is provided for eight years but only in the case of a vehicle whose power is under 100 kW.

In Lombardy and Piedmont, however, electric vehicles are exempt from tax forever, therefore from the moment of purchase until the moment of sale, scrapping or replacement of the vehicle.

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