Moody’s confirms Italy’s rating. The last defeat to the left

Moody’s confirms Italy’s rating. The last defeat to the left
Moody’s confirms Italy’s rating. The last defeat to the left

Moody’s has announced that it has completed the periodic review of Italy’s ratings. “The review does not result in any credit rating action and is not an indication of whether or not a credit rating action is likely to occur in the near future,” the bulletin provided by the agency on the state of the Italian economy.

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The result is taken positively by Fratelli d’Italia deputy Ylenja Lucaselli: “The confirmation of Moody’s rating for Italy contains important elements for our economic situation. Broad diversification is highlighted, as is low private sector debt and household wealth. The criticality of public debt and the associated risks remain, but overall a dynamic scenario emerges with the accounts under control. The Meloni government, therefore, continues to demonstrate reliability and balance. Yet another response to those on the left who predicted disaster.”

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In addition to Lucaselli, Marco Osnato, deputy of Fratelli d’Italia, president of the Finance Commission and economic manager of the party, also had his say on the outcome of the ‘periodic review’ conducted by the rating agency on the creditworthiness of the Italian State: “The update published by Moody’s offers many reasons for the majority to be proud of the work of the Meloni government, but not only that. It should push the opposition to reflect once again on the tragic mistakes of past years when they were in power. With this executive, for the good of all, the nation is regaining the trust of international investors. There is talk – highlights the MP from FdI – of an evolution in line with expectations and of a discreet improvement in growth, thanks to the implementation of the Pnrr, between now and 2026. It is underlined that, although weakening, the sustainability of the debt remains guaranteed… and there is a specific culprit behind that step backwards, the Superbonus, whose rising costs with a heavy impact on the deficit are highlighted by Moody’s. Despite this, the agency tells us that ‘the debt trajectory and its sustainability over the next decade remain essentially unchanged’. Today’s centre-right is therefore – Osnato comments – remedying the Pd-M5s disasters of yesterday… More clear than that?!”.

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