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Valmadrera. Valeria Tron presents the book “Sweet Stone”

Valmadrera. Valeria Tron presents the book “Sweet Stone”
Valmadrera. Valeria Tron presents the book “Sweet Stone”

The appointment is for Tuesday 9 July at 9pm

The meeting will be conducted by Serena Casini of Libreria Volante

VALMADRERA – La Valmadrera Municipal Library and the Volante bookshop in Leccoin collaboration with the Associations Osa, Sev e Cai Valmadrerapresent an evening between writing and mountains. Valeria Tron will present his novel entitled “Sweet Stone” and the meeting will be conducted by Serena Casini of the Flying Bookshop. The appointment is for Tuesday July 9th at 9pm at the Fatebenefratelli Cultural Centre.

Valeria Tron is an illustrator, cultural mediator, writer and wood craftsman. Born in Val Germanasca, one of the Occitan and Waldensian valleys of Piedmont, she was Tenco Prize finalist. In 2022 his first novel “L’balance of lucciole” was released, published by Salani and nominated for the Strega Prize.

“The book tells the characters and events of a valley where nature still dictates its will, and can be generous but also cruel. This is what happens on the day of the collapse: three explosions so loud that they make the mountain tremble. Two miners are missing and people dig through the debris in the square. The last to emerge from the hole in the rock is a young man who everyone knows. His name is Lisse, without the U, and a large part of his life is already written in that missing letter. He is wounded, yet it is other cuts that make Lisse’s soul bleed. That man born in a meadow, welcomed and nourished by his people, is also the invisible, the storyless, exiled within the confines of his Valley” explains the author.

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