The San Brizio Lavandeto presents ‘A book in the garden’

New cultural initiative by Lorenzo and Federica. When relaxation rhymes with culture

Mari Dental Practice
Mari Dental Practice

It’s called “A book in the garden” and is the new initiative of the Lavandeto di San Brizio. Open every weekend of the Festival dei 2 Mondi from 10.30am to 12.30pm and from 3.00pm to 6.30pm with free entry, the Lavandeto is a place of relaxation and reflection, the ideal place to dedicate yourself to reading. All visitors are invited to bring their own books or choose from those made available.
“Whether you are a passionate reader or simply looking for a quiet place to relax, the Garden of San Brizio awaits you with open arms”, declares Lorenzo, who together with Federica created this small oasis. “With this initiative, the Garden of San Brizio presents itself as a place where the beauty of nature and the richness of culture meet, offering a regenerating experience for the body and mind. If then – continues Lorenzo – you have a particular interest in a book that you are passionate about and that you have not managed to finish, you can come back to visit us or you can make an offer for that particular book, which can be purchased like the lavender sachets from store in cupboards or drawers”. And just like for the lavender sachets, half of the proceeds from the sale of the books will also be donated by Federica and Lorenzo to the Gaslini Foundation together with the Genoese pediatric hospital. “We invite everyone to come and discover this oasis of peace and culture”, concludes Lorenzo.

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