“Many lives for a dream”, Sara Romoli will present “The dream”, the second book of the trilogy – ValdarnoPost – Valdarno News

“Many lives for a dream”, Sara Romoli will present “The dream”, the second book of the trilogy – ValdarnoPost – Valdarno News
“Many lives for a dream”, Sara Romoli will present “The dream”, the second book of the trilogy – ValdarnoPost – Valdarno News

As promised by the author in 2023 The second chapter of the “Many Lives for a Dream” trilogy is about to be released on Amazon. After “The Beginning” now the first part of “The dream” is about to establish itself on the national and international publishing scene. Sara Romoli, from Figili but resident in New York for many years, this time too is in Italy for the presentation which will take place in July. The second part will come later.

Sara, a young girl from Figline, at 26 years old, thanks to a friend who gave her a plane ticket, decided to take a suitcase and move to the Big Apple: she had 500 dollars in her pocket, she didn’t speak English and she had no point of reference. If the first book, “The Beginning”, presented in Figline, Florence and San Giovanni, retraces her journey, her misadventures, the reasons for her departure from Valdarno, “The Dream”, part I and part II, focuses on her life in New York, on her hopes, her disillusions, on the mistakes she made and her disappointed hopes but also on her determination to face the challenges that New York put before her every day.

The central figure of the second book is Marco Masini, from Figili, his dearest friend, who passed away a few years ago, who shared with Sara the desire for the American dream but who was also the voice of her conscience. “Dreams have no expiry date”, he said, underlining how the values ​​and most cherished affections, one’s roots, must always be placed before success.

“What is success and dream? – explains Sara Romoli – It is the awareness of what we want to become. When I was a waitress I saw very rich but lonely and sad people arrive. When you arrive in New York it’s already a goal, then you realize that in reality there is never a limit to the desire for success. Because the Big Apple is like this. However, the desire to always want more leads to dissatisfaction within us, we do not live in the present and we also distance ourselves from loved ones”.

“When I left home I thought that I would have made it even without anyone’s help and instead of leaning on friends, as I should have done, I was always trying to prove that I could do it on my own and so I hit my head on a wall. For example, I moved away from my mother for a few years. In wanting to reach my American dream I forgot even my dearest loved ones. Marco Masini, my dearest friend, was the voice that reminded me, however, of what was really important for me and in life. We both had the American dream, he achieved it. But Marco, once his dream had come true, chose to return to his family.”

This second book represents understanding oneself and what really matters, what success or dream really is for us. “My dream was to build my life the way I wanted it, not to have to settle, to seek my own personal success, including economic success, but affections are another thing. There I also learned the importance of dignity. And I discovered it just when I was left without money, without a job and sleeping on a sofa: a dear friend helped me without making me feel burdensome”.

“My recovery came when I returned to my origins. I was now sunk and Marco Masini told me ‘go back to Figline and come and see your mother’. I was almost ashamed because I realized that I had become selfish and that I had involuntarily hurt my mother too. She, however, hugged me but didn’t judge me. And she told me I didn’t have to prove anything to anyone. My return to my roots gave me a different perspective to start again. When you don’t have to prove anything to anyone and you have values ​​inside you, you always win. When we are happy with who we are, life offers us unexpected opportunities.”

Sara Romoli writes in “The dream”: “Rediscovering your roots means returning to the foundations from which everything was born, recalling the memories and values ​​that have been transmitted to us since childhood, rooted within us. It also means resurfacing and reawakening those forgotten instincts that can guide us when it seems that our sense of identity has been lost, helping us to proceed.”

And again extrapolating from the text, Sara’s mother’s advice: “You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Just be yourself. Only you know what you are capable of. Whatever life throws at you, you have two choices: accept it without too much effort or give your all to achieve what you want. Your spirit is your greatest gift. Destiny belongs to those who fight for what they believe in or for what they believe they should achieve. Don’t let anyone take your voice away. Transform difficulties into motivation to move forward. And if necessary, raise your voice. But, above all, for an important climb like yours, even for smaller goals, you never get to the top alone. The people who love you for who you are are your tools, your sword and your shield to win this battle. Get closer to them, be united, and then your dream will come true.”

The presentation of “The dream” will take place in Bellosguardo on 11 July. As happened with the first book, the proceeds of what Sara is entitled to from sales on Amazon will be entirely donated to Adele Pagliucoli, the daughter of Gregorio, another very dear friend of hers.

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