Books, Giovanni Grasso and “No one sees love”

Rome, 26 June. (askanews) – Giovanni Grasso, journalist, writer, presented his latest literary work in the Cittadella Cielo – Nuovi Orizzonti in Frosinone. “No one sees love” – ​​published by Rizzoli – is the title of his latest novel – an existential thriller that appears in the eyes of the reader as an introspective journey within which the author addresses profound existential themes such as Absolute love, human weakness, temptation, sin and redemption.

“It is a book about Love understood in many senses – the author underlines – the story of a fall, of a redemption, a Love that starts from a strange couple, an impossible Love that somehow expands and comes to terms with other forms of love. Written with the techniques of the detective story, I define it as an existential thriller”.

The plot of the novel offers a captivating suspense that traces a clandestine love story sublimated by the spiritual depth of the protagonist.

“The title, Nobody Sees Love, is a phrase by Saint Augustine – continues Grasso -. Saint Augustine wanted to demonstrate the existence of God who cannot be seen. So he says that even the Love that cannot be seen, however, you see it painted on the faces of lovers. And then he adds that even in the most carnal, most sinful loves, even in these loves there is a spark of God’s Love”.

The author invites the reader to look in the mirror by looking for his own nature inherent in himself, searching the dark sides of his own soul, questioning himself about the power of Love and its purest and most uncontaminated meaning. The presentation of the book moderated by the director of Askanews Gianni Todini was hosted in the Cittadella Cielo di Nuovi Orizzonti, the book reflects the extraordinary work carried out for over thirty years by the organization founded by Chiara Amirante.

“The experience of Nuovi Orizzonti is precisely this – states Amirante – Love, even if it can’t be seen at times, is that force capable of rekindling hope where it has been lost. We started out on the street, with kids who were experiencing difficult situations. hell (even in schools we encounter many) and we see how today it is important to hear testimonies of rebirth. In the experience of these years, there are thousands of young people who have gone from desperation to hope thanks to the strength of Love which is not always visible. , but which is powerful and is capable of entering even the hearts most hardened by violence and the many blows of life”.

Numerous guests were present at the Nuovi Orizzonti headquarters in Frosinone, including Dr. Carla Picozza, Councilor of the Chamber of Commerce of Frosinone and Latina.

“I am here representing the Chamber and our President Gianni Acampora who believes very much in these projects. The Chamber is strongly close to Nuovi Orizzonti. We espouse the dreams of Nuovi Orizzonti”.

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