Cora Bonazza launches the book “From the Asset Fund to the TRUST”

Cora Bonazza launches the book “From the Asset Fund to the TRUST”
Cora Bonazza launches the book “From the Asset Fund to the TRUST”

The economy of our country is mainly based on the wealth that all Italian businesses, often family-run, have been able to and still continue to create over time with a lot of effort and a spirit of sacrifice. It’s a shame, however, that protecting your assets is not at all easy. Unless you decide to use a Trust.

For all those who wish to find a way to safeguard their family assets over time but don’t know how, Cora Bonazza’s book “FROM THE ESTATE FUND TO THE TRUST” is published today. Protecting people and animals, safeguarding corporate and personal assets, preserving the future and ensuring generational prosperity, thanks to Didelfo®, Trust For Pets® and My Live Trust®” (Bruno Editore). Inside, the author shares with her readers practical and innovative tools for protecting their family wealth through the use of a Trust.

“I wrote my book because I saw a growing need to provide protection tools and strategies for entrepreneurs in a State where, paradoxically, those who create value and wealth are not always adequately protected and supported” states Cora Bonazza, author of the book. “I wanted to offer practical guidance and at the same time a reflection on our society, underlining the importance of recognizing and supporting all those who are the basis of our country’s economic prosperity. In a context where the obstacles seem innumerable, my goal is to provide a compass to navigate with serenity and resilience.”

The author is firmly convinced that behind every challenge there is an opportunity and that everything that may apparently seem like a limit can actually turn into a strength. This is why, according to Cora Bonazza, dealing with the dynamics related to the protection of one’s assets without fear or preconceptions is also fundamental in this field.

“With her book, the author offers anyone the opportunity to discover methods to effectively protect their family’s assets” urges Giacomo Bruno, publisher of the book. “I have no doubt that this book will therefore be of great use to all those Italian entrepreneurs who aim to preserve the well-being of their family also from a future perspective”.

“After listening to an interview with Giacomo Bruno and learning his personal story, I was extremely impressed by his entrepreneurial ability in the publishing field” concludes the author. “I have always believed that each of us has a story worth telling. Therefore, choosing to collaborate with Bruno Editore was an almost obvious step for me.”

The book is available on Amazon at this address:

Cora Bonazza, born in Ferrara on 8 April 1970, is a renowned business consultant who has been operating since 1999. Specializing in corporate recovery and asset protection, Cora has enriched her education with numerous master’s degrees at the most prestigious Italian universities. Her solid training and many years of experience make her a point of reference in the sector. Website:

Giacomo Bruno, born in 1977, electronic engineer, was named “the father of ebooks” by the press for having brought ebooks to Italy in 2002 with Bruno Editore, 9 years before Amazon and other publishers. He is the Author of 34 Bestsellers on personal growth and Publisher of over 1,000 books on the topics of personal and professional development. He is considered the most expert in Artificial Intelligence applied to Publishing and is the best-known Italian “book influencer” because every book he promotes or publishes becomes a #1 Bestseller on Amazon in just a few hours. He is followed by TV, the news and the national press. For info:

The editorial responsibility and contents of this press release are the responsibility of Bruno Editore

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