“Ancient numerology”: the success of the book by the “soul motivator” Alberto Ferrarini

In this period the upper levels of the ranking of best-selling books they change every weekend, or almost. And this week in the very highest levels of the top ten we find a name that perhaps says little to the majority of readers: that of Alberto Ferrarini. Yet, as we will see, he is a very active motivator with a growing following, not only online.

As stated on his website, the author of Ancient Numerology – Decide your destiny with the power of numbers (Sperling & Kupfer, and which had already been released in self-published version) was born in Castelfranco in 1971 and is the youngest of three children. Ferrarini grew up with his family in the town of Cornuda, where he was soon introduced to the family business (his maternal grandfather had opened one of the first driving schools of Veneto).


It becomes like this instructor-teacher and then owner of several driving schools. As he himself underlines, “thanks to this activity he has refined his ability to speaking in public and started “leading” people. In the same years, the author always writes on his website, he met the person who would forever change his way of seeing things by introducing him to the study of Ancient Numerology: L’Indian John.


Ferrarini explains that he dedicated himself to the “study of Man”, “Energy”, “Symbology”, “Cause-Effect Law” and “Magnetism”, and soon becomes a motivating sequel (also thanks to videos, often in the carand to collaboration with some well-known people cyclists And soccer players). He organizes courses “on the Knowledge of the Soul” and today he is considered “a practitioner of motivation, ancient numerology and symbology“.


And we come to the book, immediately in the top ten bestsellers: since ancient times – underlines the card – “Numerology is considered a discipline capable of interpreting and explaining human behavior, personality and the destiny of individuals; from health to love, from business to relationships.” Ferrarini has long studied “numbers and their esoteric power, and is an expert in cyclicality and symbolism”. His research – it is always explained in the presentation – “led him to intuit and understand what the mind does not see and does not distinguish, but which energy and empathy know. His skills and experience help hundreds of thousands of people, through his social networks and his events, to know each other deeply and make the right choices at the right time. Many people from the world of sport and business turn to him to improve the outcome of their performances and achieve their goals.”

In Ancient Numerology – Decide your destiny with the power of numbers the author therefore proposes “a tool to interpret the numbers in our lives and find answers and new meanings to what happens to us.”

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