Germignaga hosts the first Moldovan Book Fair in Italy

Germignaga hosts the first Moldovan Book Fair in Italy
Germignaga hosts the first Moldovan Book Fair in Italy

L’Italy-Moldova Association organize from 14 to 16 June 2024 to Germignagaat the Ex-Colonia Elioterapica in Via Bodmer on the lakeside, the first Book Fair e of Moldavian art: «This is a one-of-a-kind event, never organized before in Italy – he explains Gian Luca del Marco, President of the Italy-Moldova OdV association –
The event, which we wanted to call “Alla Fiera dell’est” recalling a well-known song by Angelo Branduardi and also hoping for its expansion, intends first of all to promote knowledge of a country, the Republic of Moldova, on which we have been working for over twenty years: this event wants to tell it through the prism of culture and in particular of literature”.

The Moldovan community in Italy is increasingly numerous: it has around 200,000 presences, concentrated above all in Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont and Lazio. «A hard-working and well-integrated community, which has many more points in common than one might think, such as the Latin linguistic roots – continues Del Marco – This assonance has favored the development of knowledge of the Italian language in the Republic of Moldova for years and a tendency for many Moldovan authors to translate their literary works into Italian. There are therefore many cases of publication by Italian publishing houses of Moldovan authors who often fail to enjoy the right media attention they deserve. From this observation was born the idea of ​​organizing a Moldovan Book Fair that has the courage to stimulate attention on this part of Europe still little known by Italians”.

«It is an adventure of knowledge and dialogue – comments the artistic director of the Book Fair Olga Irimiciuc, teacher of Romanian language and literature at the European School of Varese, as well as teacher of Romanian language at the University of Insubria in Como – Moldova is not a well-known country and knowledge is necessary. But dialogue is also important: for this reason we have divided the literary production into two parts: Italians who talk about Moldova and Moldovans who also write in Italian, focusing on particularly valuable books and significant authors. Among the protagonists of the presentations, for example, we will also have a candidate for the Nobel Prize for literature, Nicolae Nabijia. Among the Italian authors we will have Salvatore Giuffrida, journalist from Corriere della Sera, who will present his book on Moldova. The underlying theme of the exhibition will be the search for origins, also extended across different times: from the historical part to a dystopian future, passing through a present mainly linked to emigration.”


The book presentations will also be accompanied by various other events, such as a painting exhibition that aims to represent the very essence of Moldova: an exhibition of landscape paintings depicting the natural and urban beauties of ChisinauMoldovan capital, and an exhibition of traditional Moldovan carpets, true pride of the country, so much so that it is part of the UNESCO heritage World.

A particular parade will also be presented traditional Moldavian shirtstoo recognized and protected by UNESCOwhich will take place in collaboration with a local dance school and with the participation of the Moldovan diaspora.

They will be there too musical moments in which a talented Moldavian violinist resident in our territory will perform. There will also be space to discover some food and wine peculiarities from Moldova, which is one of the top 10 wine producing countries in the world. In fact, an aperitif will be offered with typical gastronomic specialties and tasting of Moldavian wines.


The Show will also be an opportunity to delve into some issues of great importance and current affairs, dear to Moldovans: in particular their genetic belonging to the European family, for which they are facing the process of integration with the Union, which will be subjected to referendum in their country next October. For this reason, a round table was organized on the topic “Culture and identity in the European integration process of the Republic of Moldova” which will see the participation of Minister of Culture of the Republic of Moldovaof the Director of the European Parliament Office in Milan and of theCouncilor for Culture of the Lombardy Region.

«The logos you see on the poster are the result of months of work, we convinced people who didn’t have the same opportunity as me to live the experience directly. The fact is that this event is truly of great value – he explains Matteo Marchesimayor of Sangiano, testimonial in the last years of the association, more precisely after a trip to Moldova – Moldova has an important European root, which is discovered by knowing it: it is, even culturally, “on this side of the block””.


The event is sponsored by many important Italian and Moldovan bodies: the European Parliament, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Lombardy Region, the Province of Varese, the Varesotto Community Foundation, the Valli del Verbano Mountain Community, Municipality of Luino, Municipality of Germignaga.

Various associations collaborate in the event such as GIM (Missionary Commitment Group) of Germignaga, the Alessandra De Grandi ASD dance school of Luino, the “Quarta Wall” theater company of Biandronno, the “I Piott” theater company of Angera, the Library System dei Laghi, Sharing Poetry of Desio (MB).

For all the news and the programme: For info and communications: email [email protected] – telephone 3450919825

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