At the Book Fair the Aes remembers Gigi Riva and Maria Piera Mossa

The left-handed striker and the playmaker. On Sunday at the 2024 International Book Fair at the AES stand he proposed the memory of Maria Piera Mossa, the first Sardinian director, and Gigi Riva.

The publisher Annamaria Baldussi (AIPSA), who dedicated a volume to Maria Piera Mossa, retraced her life and work with thirty testimonies edited by Pietro Clemente, Jacopo Onnis and Peppetto Pilleri. The director spent every last minute to launch the project that was dearest to her: the reorganization of the immense audio and video heritage of the Sardinian RAI so that it could be made available to schools, universities, cultural and associative entities.

Even at the Turin Motor Show it was then understood that people never tire of listening to the deeds and life of Gigi Riva, originally from Leggiuno but Sardinian by adoption. The not only sporting icon of the Seventies was told by Mario Fadda and Umberto Oppus, together with the former Cagliari and Turin goalkeeper Renato Copparoni (Carlo Delfino).

The day opened with a journey into the literary production of Dario Maiore’s Taphros publishing house and with a tribute to Simone Sanna, an artist originally from Aggius who passed away at the age of just 49 a month ago. Painter and cartoonist, he was the author of “stickers” that portrayed famous people but also ordinary people, illustrator for Taphros of many children’s books, including the recent “Lu pundaccju di li setti barretti”. Again for Taphros, the novel “The wrong house” was then presented, with Maiore himself and the author Carlo Ferrucci.

The AES events at the Turin Book Fair end tomorrow, Monday 13th, with the collection of stories from some schools in Turin “With our eyes”, in collaboration with Catartica, with Michela Magliona, curator of the anthology, Marco Demurtas and Emanuela Vizzari.

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