“ILLEGIBLE. Artist’s books” edited by the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna

“ILLEGIBLE. Artist’s books” edited by the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna
“ILLEGIBLE. Artist’s books” edited by the students of the Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna

“ILLEGIBLE. Artist’s books” is the title of the exhibition which runs from Saturday 11 May to Monday 24 June will be set up inside the Pescheria Gallery in Cesena and which places the works of the students of the Academy of Fine Arts at the centre, as absolute protagonists, with a production that ranges across a wide range of expressive languages, such as mosaic, sculpture, installation, painting, art graphics and new media. The exhibition, edited by Jessica Ferro, will be inaugurated on Saturday afternoon, at 5.30 pm, and is curated by the Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna, the only one in Italy to boast a specific focus on mosaic, presenting a project born from a multidisciplinary educational path within the course on Techniques and Technologies of Visual Arts by professor Jessica Ferro.

The topic of the book-work has become a strong creative stimulus for the students, an exciting tool for exploration and experimentation, which has generated a production of sensations of an ethical and aesthetic nature, exchanges, comparisons, discussions, relationships and dialogues. The main themes that are treated concern the dichotomy between nature and artifice, animal and plant, ancient and contemporary, life and death, truth and fiction, interaction and isolation, container and content. The book, inserted in the contemporary artistic context, becomes a stimulating pretext for young artists, that is, a key question of genuine artistic research characterized by the plurality of expressive languages ​​in the panorama of visual arts: the mosaic, graphic, pictorial and plastic dimensions merge to form a wide and multifaceted range of extremely current visions. The works on display represent a selection of artist’s books created through a vast range of techniques and materials in connection with dynamic teaching; inevitably heterogeneous outcomes that aim to address an investigation focused on the re-elaboration and manipulation of the book form in a continuous process of mediation between the idea and the material, through an impulse given by the imagination.

They are unique, original and personal works. On Saturday 18 May 2024 from 9pm to 11pm, on the occasion of the Night of the Museums, we will attend the evening opening of the exhibition, with “The students of the Ravenna Academy tell their stories…”an event that presents itself as an informal opportunity to come into contact with the reality of the Academy through the voices of the students who are the authors of the works on display.

Exhibiting: Anna Agati, Elia Niccolò Alberghini, Rita Amadori, Barbara Bartolomei, Lorenzo Baruzzi, Chiara Benedetti, Pietro Bertini, Francesca Bonifazi, Veronica Bragalini, Francesco Cappelli, Virginia Casadio, Isabella Catino, Elena Coli, Samuela Cottignoli, Martina Di Mattia, Fabiana Falbo, Miriam Fabietti, Alice Farinelli, Chiara Ferri, Enrico Giardini, Lara Giomi, Yumo Hui, Daniela Iurato, Sofia Lapis, Chuan Li, Gaia Lupo, Letizia Malavolti, Zibo Meng, Diletta Merendi, Domenica Miceli, Martina Minzoni, Gaia Nieri, Tudor Padurean, Arianna Perotti, Giulia Petronio, Matteo Ruggieri, Beatrice Santi, Elizaveta Sineva, Alba Trombini, Anthea GM Vecchia, Zhu Yanfei, Elena Zanfanti, Agnese Zavoli, Azzurra Zingoni.

It is possible to visit the exhibition on Fridays, from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm; Saturday, Sunday and holidays from 10.30am to 12.30pm and in the afternoon from 4.30pm to 7.30pm. Free entry.

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)