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Emergency and Humanity 1 ship disembarks 230 migrants in total. 280 in the Lampedusa hotspot

News on migrants and landings in Italy

30 June 2024


Two other NGO ships dock at the port assigned by the Italian authorities: the Life Support of Emergency and the Humanity 1 of SOS Humanity, which arrived at the ports of Livorno and Catania respectively. At the moment 280 migrants are registered at the Lampedusa hotspot.

Photo of Humanity 1

The mission of the Emergency Life Support ship ended this morning. The 47 people on board disembarked in the port of Livorno.

The rescue of the migrants, a note recalls, took place on Wednesday 26 June in international waters, in the Libyan SAR area. The 47 people disembarked today in Livorno come from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ghana, Libya, Eritrea, Bangladesh, South Sudan and Sudan.

Among the people rescued were three women and five unaccompanied minors. This was the fourth time that the Life Support vessel has been assigned the port of Livorno for disembarkation since it began its missions at sea in December 2022.

What happened with the rescue of the Humanity 1, which landed 186 migrants and a body

“After three and a half days of navigation we arrived in the port of Livorno where the disembarkation operations have just finished thanks to the full collaboration with the local authorities – comments Carlo Maisano, head of mission of Emergency’s Life Support -. Now we start preparing the ship again for a new mission in the central Mediterranean where Life Support will continue to carry out its search and rescue activities to save lives and bring people to a safe country”. The boat in difficulty had left the Libyan city of Zwara and was spotted from the Life Support command bridge following a report from the Frontex Sparrow 4 aircraft.

Ship Humanity 1 has arrived at the port of Catania

The ship Humanity 1, of the NGO Sos Humanity, arrived shortly before 4pm at the port of Catania, the port assigned by the authorities, with 186 people on board and one lifeless body. The migrants, as reported by the same humanitarian organization on social media, remained at sea for 5 days after setting sail from Libya on an unseaworthy fishing vesselovercrowded and without life jackets. In the early hours of the morning they were rescued by the Italian Coast Guard and taken to Humanity 1.

After an escort for about 30 miles, the assets of the Port Authority preceded the evacuation from the fishing vessel and the transfer to the ship of the German NGO Sos Humanity. The Sar operations, says the journalist of Radio Radicale, Sergio Scandura, continued throughout the night until dawn, 30 miles east-southeast from Syracuse. The Coast Guard and a military ship then involved the NGO ship in the rescue operations.

As the NGO itself reports on social media in a note, the survivors were handed over to the crew of the rescue ship by the Italian Coast Guard. Yesterday afternoon, the crew of Humanity1 had received a distress call and offered to intervene, while the fishing vessel was still in the Maltese search and rescue zone (SAR zone). “However, the Maltese MRCC ignored our requests and refused to coordinate,” the Humanity 1 team said.

Among the people rescued are 2 women and 20 minors, including 4 small children and 14 unaccompanied. According to the crew of Humanity 1, at least 4 survivors require medical attention and at least 2 will need to be rushed to hospital once disembarked. The person recovered lifeless would be passed away after midnight todayaccording to the stories of survivors.

The people, as reported by the NGO, also said they had fled Tobruk, in eastern Libya, five days ago. The crew of Humanity 1 had received the first SOS 16 hours before the transshipment operations, when the vessel in distress was still in the Maltese SAR zone. After an initial call from the crew, asking to coordinate the rescue, the Maltese authorities hung up and no longer responded, according to what the NGO reported.

Photo of the fishing boat rescued by Humanity 1

At that point, the organization’s note continues, the Italian Coast Guard took over the coordination of the emergency event and ordered Humanity 1 to reach the fishing boat for an initial assessment. Once on site, Humanity 1 had to keep its distance. Two Coast Guard patrol boats and an Italian military vessel then intervened on site. Finally, the rescue by the Italian Coast Guard occurred around 5:30 in the morning, to then carry out the transfer to Humanity 1, as reported by the NGO.

In Lampedusa a migrant fell into the sea and drowned

Yesterday, 47 migrants, including two minors and five women, one of whom was pregnant, who were travelling on a rubber dinghy, were rescued by a Guardia di Finanza patrol boat and allowed to disembark in Lampedusa. Many of the group, originally from Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Nigeria and Pakistan, said that an Ivorian fell into the water during the night and that their dinghy went back to recover him, but nothing more was heard of the manThe migrant was not wearing a life jacket and did not know how to swim

According to the stories, the man fell into the water and drowned because he fell asleep while he was on the edge of the dinghy. The policemen from the flying squad of the Agrigento police headquarters reconstructed what happened. The officers, with the help of an interpreter, listened to the survivors. According to the stories, whoever was driving the dinghy, having heard the screams of the migrants, not only stopped the march, but went back trying to recover the man who, however, was not identified due to the darkness. No migrant dived into the water to look for him and the smuggler, after a while, resumed sailing towards Lampedusa. The castaways also said they left Zaouia in Libya, after paying a thousand dollars.

Another 38 migrants, originally from Egypt, Bangladesh and Syria, have meanwhile landed in Lampedusa, after the small boat they were traveling on, which left from Zawia in Libya, was rescued by the V836 patrol boat of the Guardia di Finanza. The group reported having paid 4 thousand dollars each for the crossing. Therefore, from midnight, the landings on the largest of the Pelagie islands rise to 4 with a total of 195 people. They rose to Meanwhile, there were 280 guests at the hotspotaccording to data provided by the Italian Red Cross, and at the moment no transfers are planned.

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