“What happens in space between Russian and American astronauts”

“What happens in space between Russian and American astronauts”
“What happens in space between Russian and American astronauts”

Ground control to major Tomthe great one sang about fifty years ago David Bowie. Time passes, but we are back to Cold War and to space battles, in a decidedly disturbing new generation arms race.

A The blowing air on La7 the climate is boiling and certainly not because of the weather forecast. David Parenzowaiting for the holidays, connects with Daniele Compatangelo live directly from Nasa, nothing less than. And from Maryland the journalist gives the picture of the situation: «The interests of Chinese e Russia are moving in space. The United States they are trying to build a permanent base on the Moon. Missions to Mars will start in decades, but there is a need to monitor what is happening above our heads. The United States has said it has even discovered a spy satellite in the lower atmosphere, it is thought with some nuclear warheads.
So it can be very risky.”

They will therefore be useful soldiers ready for real military space missions. A fantasy-horror scenario above our heads, with the script that the great ones of the earth are already writing, down here. Judging by how things are going on the planet, the worst viaticum.

Fortunately, however, the tension is eased by Umberto Guidoniwho in 2001 was the first European astronaut to visit the International Space Station. «Relations between the United States and Russia have cooled and, especially in the future, there will be no room for other collaborations – he admits -. But for the moment American and Russian astronauts and cosmonauts coexist peacefully in the international space station.” In the Middle East, Africa, the Pacific, and of course in Ukraine does everything seem to be taking a turn for the worse? No problem, let’s go to Urano Beppe!

The wind blows, watch Umberto Guidoni’s video here

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