Coronavirus Molise, data from 30 June 2024

Coronavirus Molise, data from 30 June 2024
Coronavirus Molise, data from 30 June 2024

The Asrem bulletin for Sunday 30 June: there are eight currently positive cases of Covid-19 in the region, no deaths and no recoveries

REGION – Sunday June 30th 2024 new day of information from on the situation of Coronavirus in the Region. Let’s go see the bulletin as communicated by Asrem. No new positives were recorded in the update (i.e. 0 from molecular swabs and 0 antigenic). No death and no one recovery in the infectious diseases department. No healed registered by Asrem of Campobasso. No transferred and two resigned that is, from Campobasso from infectious diseases and always from Campobasso from intensive care.


This is the data from the bulletin and it is unique for the day. 18 new tests were carried out molecular swabs e 0 quick. There are currently eight patients currently positive (4 in the province of Campobasso, four in the province of Isernia, none outside the region) while there are 103,255 positive swabs (76,571 in the province of Campobasso, 26,503 in that of Isernia and 181 in other regions) since the beginning of the emergency, out of 520,102 swabs processed and 36,259 swabs check.

At the hospital Cardarelli from Campobasso there are no patients in the infectious diseases department, that is, no one in the province of Campobasso, no one from that of Isernia, no one from outside the region; no patients in the Covid fragile elderly department (none from the province of Campobasso, none from Isernia and none from outside the region). There are no patients in intensive care, no one from the province of Campobasso, no one from the province of Isernia and no one from outside the region. No hospitalized: none unvaccinated, none first dose, none second dose/single dose, none third dose. To the Neuromed of Pozzilli we do not find any patients: none in intensive care (0 from the province of Campobasso, 0 from that of Isernia, none outside the region); none in sub-intensive care (none from the province of Campobasso, none from the province of Isernia, none outside the region). Molise Twins no one hospitalized from the province of Campobasso, no one from the province of Isernia and no one from outside the region. We do not have any patients in the Gray Area of ​​the Emergency Department.San Timoteo Hospital of Termolinone from the province of Campobasso, none from that of Isernia, none from outside the region.

There are six positive subjects asymptomatic at home with two from the province of Campobasso, four from Isernia, none from outside the region. No asymptomatic patients discharged, none from the province of Campobasso, none from Isernia, none from outside the region. There are 102,437 patients declared officially recovered (75,989 from the province of Campobasso, 26,301 from that of Isernia and 147 from other regions). There are 798 i deceased patients with Coronavirus (566 from the province of Campobasso, 198 from that of Isernia and 34 from another region). Home visits carried out by Usca 9,376 (2279 Bojano, 3215 Venafro, 678 Larino, 1599 Termoli, 946 Agnone, 659 Riccia).

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