“War of annihilation if Lebanon attacks”

“War of annihilation if Lebanon attacks”
“War of annihilation if Lebanon attacks”

“Iran considers the Israeli “propaganda about its intention to attack Lebanon to be psychological warfare, but if it were to launch a full-scale military aggression, it would lead to a war of annihilation.” This is what the Iranian representation at the UN wrote in a post on X. “All options are on the table,” they added, “including the full involvement of all resistance fronts.”

In recent days, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the “northern border”, in the Israeli areas close to the border with Lebanon and attended a military exercise. ANDreports the Times of Israel, He promised “victory” in case of conflict with the Lebanese Hezbollah. Netanyahu praised the soldiers’ “determination” in “defending the country.”

Lebanese PM: ‘Threats are psychological warfare’

“The threats we are witnessing are a sort of psychological warfare”, said Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Miqat who today visited the headquarters of the southern sector of the Army, near Tyre, near the border with Israel. The Prime Minister, reports the Lebanese agency Nna, assured that the Country of the Cedars “will overcome this phase” and that there will be “permanent stability at the borders”.

From the US new formula for agreement, pressure on Egypt and Qatar for Hamas approval

Meanwhile, the United States has drawn up a new one text, a new formulation of some passages of the proposed agreement between Israel and Hamas in an effort to reach a deal that would lead to a ceasefire and the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip since the October 7 attack in Israel. This was revealed by Axios, which cites three sources according to which the Biden administration has presented “new language” in recent days in an attempt to reduce the distance between Israel and Hamas.

According to sources, the US work, with Egyptian and Qatari mediators, is focused on Article 8 of the proposal, which concerns negotiations that should begin between Israel and Hamas with the implementation of the first phase of the agreement to establish the exact conditions for the second phase, which includes “lasting calm” in Gaza.

Hamas, the sources say, wants these negotiations to focus only on how many and which Palestinian prisoners will be released from Israeli prisons in exchange for every living Israeli soldier or male hostage held in Gaza, while Israel insists on raising the issue of demilitarization of the Palestinian enclave and other issues.

U.S. officials, Axios sources say, are pushing Egypt and Qatar to pressure Hamas to accept the proposal, so the group, which took over Gaza in 2007, can accept it. The U.S., one source said, is “working hard to find a formula that will allow us to reach an agreement.” And another source said that if Hamas accepts the new formulation, it will “close the deal.”

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