France 2024 elections, electoral campaign underway: candidates and latest polls

Stop negotiations and disagreements: the lists of candidates in the 577 constituencies for the legislative elections of 30 June and 7 July have been closed in France. With some last-minute decisions and the wait to discover the exact picture of the situation in the far right, where there would be around 70 constituencies in which the right-wing Républicains and the far-right Rassemblement National will present common candidates.

According to the polls, Le Pen stands at 30%

Polls say that Marine Le Pen’s party is credited with around 30% of the votes. Its president Jordan Bardella is aiming for the prime minister’s seat, while the party leader has said that she will ask for Emmanuel Macron’s resignation in the event of victory. Meanwhile, on the last day, one of the most controversial candidatures of La France Insoumise, the far-left party of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, failed, and to avoid head-on clashes in the New Left Popular Front on his candidacy in the event of victory, he reiterated who will not be the prime minister: “I will never be the problem, I am always on the side of the solution”. Macron’s party, however, is credited with 20% of the votes and has decided not to present candidates in around twenty constituencies considered losers.

Rain of criticism on Macron

Former president François Hollande surprised everyone by announcing his candidacy with the socialists, while former socialist prime minister Lionel Jospin attacked Macron’s “arrogance” and “lightness in his choice to dissolve Parliament, calling it the “only dam” on the far right the left coalition. Same condemnation from former president Nicolas Sarkozy, who however also harshly criticized the alliance of the Républicains, his party, with the far right, a strategic error destined – according to him – to transform the right-wing party into an “appendage” of the Lepenists.

Bardella’s promises

“I would vote for the RN” in the event of a run-off with the left-wing Popular Front, because Marine Le Pen’s party “has made its mutation” and “supports the Jews”, said the historic defender of the cause of the deported Jews of France and “Nazi hunter,” Serge Klarsfeld. On the contrary, the far left “is under the influence of France Insoumise with anti-Semitic gusts and violent anti-Zionism”, in short, a “decidedly anti-Semitic” party. Already focused on the traditional promises to voters, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, and the one who aspires to take his place, Jordan Bardella. If the former assured the French of a lighter electricity bill if the majority is confirmed, the winner of the European elections has promised to cancel the reform that makes access to unemployment benefits more difficult. Which the current government has not yet made operational.

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France, Marine Le Pen promises a “government of national unity”

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